HoTs becoming LoL/DoTa(Incoming rant btw)

Yeah it’s a bad habit I know.


No, Diablo is not the scariest thing from Diablo.

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They should change the game’s name then.

Though “Lord of Terror” sounds scarier to me than “The Butcher”
The second one makes me think of a mustached guy making ground beef lol.


Idunno, Lord of Terror sounds kind of campy honestly.

I don’t know what campy means…

But Lord of terror sounds like someone I don’t want to meet.

If someone was like “Hey man, the babysitter canceled but this guy “Lord of Terror” volunteered to look after your kids”

That would be a firm NO.


Campy means overly presented as a distinctly over-the-top style, sometimes melodramatic. “Lord of Terror” is without a doubt more melodramatic than “The Butcher”.

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Well to be honest. Any title will sound dramatic next to “The Butcher” lol.

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So, basically what Overwatch is.

HotS is dead and they’ve pretty much said they’re only going to put enough into it to keep it going and maybe release a new character here and there. Most of the development team was moved to other projects. They couldn’t beat LoL, which was their goal, so they’re taking their ball and going home. It doesn’t matter they had 500,000 plus people playing daily, they needed to be top dog and make a million dollars a day, anything less wasn’t worth it to them, so the fact I spent over a $100 on skins and other items, believing that Blizzard was a safe company to invest that kind of money in, means I was the stupidest of them all. I will never buy another Blizzard product again, period. They’ve shown their greedy grubby two fisted money before anything else attitude and I just don’t dig it. Yo.

i was talking about the word on its own if it were a genre, i didn’t know it actually is one… considering how many elements are removed compared to a moba, but i guess if ppl just wanna kill each other and nothing else… there was and still is Counter strike, is it a brawler too? it is isn’t it?

-The Butcher has absolutely no personality or backstory. He doesn’t even talk. That doesn’t stop players from liking him.

Thats why Pudge in the WC3 Dota was based on the Butcher from Diablo.

even though its an old thread i suppose i will throw this in.

the butcher himself would be similar to someone like Brightwing in the way the lore pans out. since Brightwing was just some made up character for HotS that they actually added her into WoW later and she really doesnt have much to her.

however, the tie back is the nostalgia for some ppl of the older games. ppl do remember fighting butcher in that dark dungeon in Diablo 1. later in Diablo 3, that team brought another Butcher demon into their game and the story there is through the gameplay itself as well.

the only other thing would be personality. some ppl just like the heroes for the personality and play which is fine. i admit i never played through starcraft because i hated the game. however, i like playing some of the heroes. so there is that.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Players can enjoy playing with heroes they know little or nothing about. Just like I love Leoric.


It is interesting that NFL tooked ideas from XFL. NFL has adopted from the XFL is the innovative camera angles and many rules.
The same way Dota2 added talents and shrines, LoL added pushing boss and quest items.Many HotS players are thinking that this is proof that HotS is better game but in that logic XFL is better than NFL

You have ults in other games not only mobas.

Don’t you love to see when someone neglects the date of the last post in a thread?

Can anyone resurrect my Round 1/3 of the Fan-made skin concepts Contest post? =))

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I could support these backup but I found that could played anything. I need it.

I was surprised someone made a Qhira rant this late. Then I saw the year. Smh.

why the hell is this the case