Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - January 6, 2025

Those 10 min are just what most Redditors said they were willing to wait for a balanced game. My ques when we had forced tanks/healers were only 3-5 min on EU. But my post still tries to tell you about what people want vs how reality ends up being.

QM were never intended to be balanced even tho the devs tried to cater to those who refuse to play ranked/unranked. QM is quick games with whatever hero you picked.

Making it semi ranked with forced tanks/healers just ruins the purpose of QM.

But again most of those who ended up complaining are people who want to have all the benefits ranked have in QM. Just like ARAM players who want ranked-ARAM with all the benefits ranked got without touching the actual game mode

People want one thing one day and when they finally get it its still not good enough.

Just like Thanos said: Reality can often be disappointing.

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I was in Australia when it happened and noticed hardly any difference TBH :stuck_out_tongue:


okay so while you’re changing things how about you dont change tracer at all?
she’s got the life expectancy of a fruitfly

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Not wrong but recklessness itself the talent is still going to be a must pick, getting the 150 stacks done quickly (even the 75 for the bonus range) is so important even if you completely nerfed the actual stacking power into the late game. Q build is the only reason to run anything else on 1. and it’s going to have the niche of being entirely reliant on a short range skillshot

Talking to yourself again ?


Hey, buddy, you forgot to swap alt accounts.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

anyways, can’t wait for this patch to come out I’M READY TO TRY THE PVE BRAWL BABY

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You see that happen so often online. I’ve never made a sockpuppet account, but that’s gotta be hard to do. How often are people making fake conversations with themself that they just… forgot the entire log out/log in process one day.


the real question, why on earth would you bother

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I did it once a long time ago on a f2p mmo. I had a laptop and a pc and just talked smack to myself in the middle of town in public chat with some jokes from Monty Python and some other sources using two different accounts.

Both my accounts were silenced from all the smack talking. I think it was a twenty-four hour silence.

I did it because I thought it was funny, and because I wanted to see how far I could go roasting myself before a GM came in to do damage control. My guildmates knew what was going on, so some of them got in on it for a bit either on their mains or their alts as well.

Other than that time where I was playing as two court jesters at once, I never once thought of doing it again. It lost its luster near immediately.


just played nerfed auriel in ranked its freaking horrid; I pressed w like six times the entire game. thanks dev

Lost two games now since cannot lane while having afk’s w/ auriel; thanks dev

I cannot wait for the dev to ruin someone else’s playstyle. it’s been so unfair.

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You’d hate playing Li Li then. Or Kharazim. Or Whitemane. Or Lucio. Or Anduin. Or Deckard. Or Ana. Or Morales. Or Brightwing. Or Malfurion.

Auriel’s laneclear is still better than any of those heroes just with her Q alone.


actually i enjoy all of those heroes because their talents weren’t exclusively for that, and you wouldn’t know it but ana actually can use her q for more than just healing; I use it for vision as well.

Its the little vectors that really made the hero sparkle. Thanks for not seeing my perspective.

And you’re actually right, if you play those dependent heroes you might as well counted the game as a loss, because having one afk really ruins the game. Though auriel had a more balance of independence with niche clearing. It’s just really stupid to butch a talent like that “only hits heroes”

Although heroes like Kharazim have a lot more mobility and his healing gifts movespeed, not to mention three beginning talents that decide if he even plays a healer or damage spec. To even compare the same situation it would be like, oh he can only do third damage on heroes or he can only use his third healing to heal allies not himself. Extremely limiting.

So kinda redundant to even mention him for that… Lili or whitemane would be more characteristically for it, since their healing is sort of dependent, Though that’s again fairly dependent heroes. I cannot even imagine the similarity of a butching of talent… since their talents are all so niche for them and are oriented around knowing you’ll have team play.

so yes, you are right. I would hate it even more to play those heroes knowing I am having afking team mates, but even more to know that the hero I used previously to adapt to the challenge can no longer meet the challenge.

I guess that’s why people do not pick those heroes in random lobbies in ranked and you can only enjoy them when you know you have a team. Thanks for reminding me about heroes that have their own kits and to not like the uniqueness of one specific hero.

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