Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - January 19, 2021

Auriel cc buff is 40% slow for 5 seconds after stun. But it is a lazy buff to a hero with dire problems. She cant use her cc as a follow in most situations anyways, that buff doesnt give her better draft purpose. My recommendation is experimenting about giving q a big displacement effect, pulling things to center. That way, she can pull nearby people to her preferred angle and follow with the stun or use q for other playmakings like peeling. She needs a more detailed rework on how she heals or how she adds cc.

Personally, I don’t think so. It’s an effective 3% HP nerf considering mech+pilot. It’s not much. The main problem is how effective her wave clear on Q lvl 4 is.
On the other hand, I might try Bunny Hop again. It’s similar to what I wanted.

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I thought that talent got nerfed into okay already.

It was 50% for 3 sec after stun.

Down from bonus 70% to 60% would have been better balance wise.


If they are gonna do “Tassadar’s therapy”, I’m afraid to die :upside_down_face:

Summary of patch notes:

Gazlowe still op

Imperius whacked on the head with a bat

Slight nerfs to dva/cassia which make push them to A tier

Mei moved back to meta

Lucio changes => him in the meta


He has been part of the meta for a while now, they respect ban him against Yasuo in CCL. The change was mostly to move away from Up to Eleven being completely useless, and to make Sound Barrier less of a must-pick. The fact that Lucio can now self-cleanse on a 20 second CD is pretty huge for those who like to play him aggressively.

Oh, and this is my surprised face at the developers stating that Mei wasn’t a meta tank. I think the change will help her build diversity a bit, but I will have to test her out to see if it helps with her actual role as a main tank.

The Blaze changes are OK, but I can’t see them changing the builds and talent choices I use on him all that much.


Can someone please explain to me what the bug was surrounding Tychus grenade DoT? I recall someone mentioning how it effects keep aggro but not sure thats it.

Guys, I am an absolute noob. What are DoT rules (under Bug fixes)?

I noticed something good in this patch: Orphea wasn’t in it.


You should take a look at genji and abathur, pls. Genji’s W skill can be cancelled for everything and it doesnt last long. About Aba, he is so dependent of team that if it is bad, aba gonna be unuseful.

Pretty sure that it triggered tower aggro every tick instead of when it was applied.

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Wouldn’t mind if Li Ming was nerfed into the ground but they seem adamant about not touching one of the best long range consistent dpsers in the game for some reason. Guess she’ll just chill out at most people’s S tier forever then… At the opposite end of the spectrum I wouldn’t be upset about a murky buff

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This Balance Update Patch was take placed I didn’t returned to Quick Match until next week F2P rotation & Heroic Deals updates.

After a year since MechaStorm II days finally to updates here in same updates patch featured Kerrigan.

In that my Ideas Imperius updated also good ones though I could need to see this hero in sometime.

This doing to fine any sources that her rework is coming in next PTR possibly even I would see Limited time skin for her again.

As Auriel also on Balance updates on this patch I may taken her in rotation using her Sakura skin. Kael’thas had long enough to updates had finally here.

Yer sweet, good job on Zuljin. Like he wasn’t op enough

HW:S paints a massive target on you so only take the upgrade if the enemy team just does not have the hard cc to stop you, Desperate Prayer barely heals for more than 2 Qs worth and stuns you for 2 seconds, Legacy is a lot more comfortable to use for strict healing if you have the right talents to combo with it.
Second D charge is usually just so much better than any of them unless your teammates are so bad that even when you save them it doesn’t net you much gain.

Molten Power [Passive]

  • New functionality: If Living Meteor hits enemy Heroes at least 5 times, then reduce its cooldown by 7 seconds, and refund 30 Mana.

As a Rag spammer let me say this will make times that you can’t bother going with full Q build much more worth it.
You barely noticed the damage increase on old molten power unless the enemy team just loved standing in tightknit groups, in which case it makes you feel like you should’ve gone with Q build.
Meteor’s a good poke ability but it’s long cooldown was it’s main weakness, this will change it from being a just a poke ability on a bruiser to something that really makes people mistake you for a mage.
I love it.

​Quarterback [W]

  • Bonus damage reduced from 20% to 10%.

I mean it’s something.
But imo it’d still be a good pick even without the damage buff. Nade talents had an unproportionable high pick and winrate compared to the rest of his builds.
It does drop the base damage increase from some 53~ to 26~
and it decreases the tic damage a bit but I’m not sure it’s enough to force people to start picking other talents.

If you’ve played a lot of Tychus you’d understand just how much more comfortable nade talents make his early game and compensate for the weaknesses of his kit, being a shorted ranged AA hero with no self heal.

Thank you so much for the Kerrigan buff! I was always debating the lvl 7 now it has become very relevant and she can take camps more easily.

Right, so when are the buffs to his PvE coming, because he’s jealous of all the other bruisers’ waveclear?

Imperius has his strengths and his weaknesses compared to most other Bruisers. If they’re going to remove those strengths, then it’s only be sensible to remove those weaknesses too.

Seems like this is more just about pandering to the whiners. They’ve completely failed to bring Imperius’ level 7 talents back in line, which was their original justification for starting this train of nerfs on him, but they moved right on with the next set of nerfs anyway.
Even more obvious, those nerfs have always followed the flavor of the month, too. First the whiners moaned about FoA’s damage, so the nerfed that (twice). Then Celestial Swiftness got the spotlight, so they nerfed that. Then it was Impaling Light and his durability Tooton and co. moved onto, and now that’s getting nerfed.

Now I’m worried they’re just going to give Imperius the Genji treatment – nerf him into the dirt and leave him there because bad players don’t understand how to counter him.

Agree, Imperious has no wave clear, no macro, no camp clear. He is a team fighting, 1v1, bruiser. I was just typing out he was getting the Genji treatment with nerf, after nerf after nerf until he is just unpickable and bad.
I would agree if they nerfed Q build and his shield ult by perhaps maybe buffing his other talents?
He is a team fighting, 1v1 bruiser who has less health, less survivability, and now less damage and still with no wave clear or PvE. Cool.