Hero kills exp increase over time

What if hero kills give 150xp each prior lvl 10 and 300 lvl 10 and above?

Will this change player behaviour not to chase? Not to group fight when not needed? Hero kills not worth it early game?

The EXP globes was questionable but over a short time it was a good change and I see people now laning more than just focusing on kills.


Hero kills already scale with level, so that incentive (or disincentive) already exists. It is fairly well known that an early wave of minions grants more XP than a kill. This changes dramatically in the late game, and one of the comeback mechanics in place is that the team that is behind in levels get a “underdog” bonus on hero kills. This is one reason why it is always smarter to look for a pick to even up in the late game than go off and soak.


How to make Nova even more worthless.

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Beyond what Hoku said, I really don’t know why people fixate on avoiding hero fights so much in a hero brawler. Yes, soak is important, blah blah, but what game are you ACTUALLY wanting here?

It’s like people want to play WC3 creep no rush 10 minutes.


I don’t care what people call it at all. But just saying, our lead designer for the last year or two (was it three?) seems to reject the hero brawler name.

But honest, who cares. Why try to define a game by a single label outside of a “it is vaguely similar to these games”.

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Don’t think he was rejecting the name. I think it’s more so that Hero Brawler is more specific to HOTS, and he wanted to be more general to highlight he really didn’t have much experience in the genre.

Regardless, I just find it weird how some people are allergic to the concept of fighting in a game like this.

The point is to kill the enemy’s core without losing your own.

With the reduction of a lot of “fat” in moba games, it becomes a lot more about brawling.

Doesn’t make pushing/split pushing/etc not valid strats.


Every single player.

I don’t.
HotS is HotS.

If I want to describe the “type” of game it is to someone in a few words, I would say streamlined MobA.

But that’s like saying CiV6 and Civ5 are 4X games.

They are, but that’s a genre, not a description of the gameplay.

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Let’s not make hero kills worth even less than they already are. 2 kills early game are only worth single minion wave as it stands. It should always be rewarding to kill enemy hero and punishing to die. Only time hero kills are rewarding are late game indirectly as means of pushing or when you are behind several levels in direct exp.

When chasing to kill then EXP for that kill is the very last thing people think of lol.


That often depends on the player skill. A skilled player is often more willing to let a target survive in order to keep the XP lead. They cannot risk getting countered as their death becomes a lot more valuable to the enemy than a kill for your team would.

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If you get one or two kills early on it means a lot more then people think. Because then you have two less heroes on the map the next 10sec to def a lane and on top they lose minion waves and you can now get more waves then them and are allowed to push thier fort. You can even try and take down thier healing well if your pve dmg is high enough after the kill.

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I mean, sure, kills are always valuable, but in the early game you have to weigh the value of chasing a single kill to the point of missing soak. For example, having 3 people chasing a Murky all over the place is a waste of time, but having all 5 start in the mid brawl before splitting can make sense.

People in general are just bad at weighing options, and while I understand the OP’s point when it comes to making things more obvious, it just goes too far in the wrong direction. One thing I really like about HotS is that it is very well balanced in terms of risk and reward. Soaking is low risk, but outside of the first few minutes, low reward. Getting picks is a much riskier strategy, but carries much higher rewards.

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Of course not, but so is ganking pushers who go too far or rotating so someone can’t split push without being contested. Fighting heroes is very much in the DNA of this game.

And I find that people who seem to fixate on avoiding fights all the time are really missing the forest for the trees. And it almost always seem to come from lower ranked players. If only people stopped fighting in mid, we’d win.

Sure bud, that 40 second fight in early game where either you or the enemy side may or may not get a few kills, that’s why you’re stuck.

Yeah that fact gets weaponized too often completely disregarding other factors in how kills affect the game beyond exp.

Unfortunately, people point to what you said, and don’t even make it an option. It’s much easier shutting off the brain, and fooling yourself that you’re making the right (same) play all the time.


fun fact at level 1, a single wave of minions is worth 2kills worth of XP at lv 1, later on it is roughly even and i believe stays that way for most of the game unless you have comeback mechanics in effect where you are up or down levels you will get more or less xp per kill, this is why double soaking is so prevalent in higher levels, a 4 man can get more kills and easily to vs a 3 man if the enemy team does not have a double soaker. meaning your team will just get more XP, more levels means talents and +4% per level in everything. giving your team an even bigger advantage

Because bad players fixate too much on fights that shouldn’t happen.
Kills are one of the most flashy things in the game, even when going after them is the wrong play.

This is a moba, not a fighting game, there are things to do besides fight, and you can’t win the game just by fighting.
When you fight you should have a reason to fight, something to actually fight over.
And you should have at minimum equal chances to win the fight, preferably there should be an advantage, in positioning, or level, or cooldowns (especially on heroics), and some fights are victorious without kills.
Just pushing the enemy back, or stalling so something else can be done can be a victory.

Except when they aren’t.
The location of the kills will influence what actions can be taken afterward, and if the wrong actions are taken, or the fight itself was the wrong action, they might not lead to an advantage.
I’ve seen teams with more kills lose the game.

Hero kill xp is based on level.

Hero kills are already not worth prioritizing early game. And people still do it…

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Small note, hero kills xp depends on xp difference. Then its “translated” into level difference (like 1.4 lvl) and used in formula to decide which multiplier is used (there was like 4 iirc).
You can verify it ingame easly, you will get extra xp when even a little bit behind, but still on same levels.
Xp formula is more complicated than that, you cant just change 1 number (well you can but…)

You get like more than a kills worth of exp from a wave of minions.