Help on Artanis in QM

Thanks. It is a nice read. Based from your information, I guess that 2nd option isn’t something I would like to take risk. So I guess the the first option is something I would like to give it a try.

I am referring to Hoku.

Oh, mb on that one.

How about the rest of the post though? Did you find anything different on heroesfire or Icy Veins? Or do they suggest the dreaded “adapt your talents based on map/comp” just like us elitists?

Googling questions like this, with keywords such as ‘Artanis talent build’ would be a good idea in the future.


The poster, Onslaught in this thread had been a great help for me.

I have nothing against Onslaught however he’s repeated what both myself and Hoku has told you in previous threads which are over 2 months old which suggests that you simply hold a grudge towards people that don’t reinforce your beliefs (disagrees with you) which ultimately makes it very difficult to take you serious for a discussion.

At least now you’ve finally found help and can hopefully stop create these threads over and over again.


Honestly, Laparo and Hoku have the patience of saints for putting up with OP’s crap this long. Clearly undeserving of either of your advice, or time in general, the way this poster has repeatedly spat in your faces.


I can’t speak for Laparo, but I just like talking about Artanis. :slight_smile:


Nope you are wrong. He answered my question about how to deal with the Team A composition that I came out in this thread. He gave out 2 options and evaluated it for me to pick it. No nonsense like " depends lol" or asking something irrelevant like “which maps, what comp?” to the question.

Also, I can create as many threads I want. I don’t need your consent for that. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. If it bothering you that much, use the report function.

I would have preferred they stop pestering my thread too. It is clear that both of them aren’t a big help when it comes to answering my question. They asked more questions about my questions.

Maps are really important considering builds. Also your teamcomp, because if you with a team where you are the best for the sololane you need a different build than when you are with the team from the beginning.


Dude you get well rounded, thoughtful answers for your question. Sometimes when you ask a question is because you dont know the answer and those who can answer you maybe want to answer your question fully. I dont like to add anything, but your reaction was a bit odd for me.


Asking for a concrete answer to something that is very vague and has many variables and then being angry over not being given a simple answer.

It’s like going up to a professor and asking “Can you tell me everything about quantom physics in 20 words or less?” and then being angry because it’s more than 20 words and harder than what you could understand.


Maps and comps are important. I suppose it was too elitist of us to involve strategy in a strategy based game, but oh well.
Also both of the builds with identical explanation was given to you in the past. I really have no words for this twisting tongues game you’re playing.

Sure you can, and I have all the rights in the world to enter the discussion. Take it or leave it. You put up a thread that involves a subject I’m interested in for discussion. You could act like a grown up and discuss the matter instead of ignoring it and spam threads.

The irony in this matter is that I frequently assist friends of mine with brainstorming heroes and talent setups as well as helping teach them common map strategies if they would desire since I’ve been a lot more invested. You’re one of the few I’ve run into that actually doesn’t seem to understand simple explanations.
I also hope you realize that the essence of discussion is to actually talk to one another? You present a question, I have an answer. But sometimes I need you to be more specific so I’ll ask you for instance in what situation do you experience X issue? Did you adapt by using Y talent to counter Z hero? (For sake of argument this could refer to you having an issue with a Raynor kiting you so did you pick Warp Sickness to slow him down, preventing him from keeping a distance).

Just to put it into perspective I’ve worked in a middleschool using this exact same strategy to help them develop their own thought process. Usually it’s a very effective method to teach others by helping them reach the conclusion themselves.


If you are aware of this, then why do you tell me to stop creating a thread in the first place?

Good for you, but I don’t care about what you did in the past nor your perspective.

Shield Surge with heavy AA is his ultimate sustain ability. Especially if their is little to no CC.
The build is-
Level 1 - (if you’re going late game) Marksmen. Completing the quest gives you a speed boost. Not required but it’s an icying on synergy.
Go Parry if you’re not too confident in completing quest for extra ability.
Level 4: shield surge, you want to proc your shields as often as possible, and get use to having low 25% health.
Level 7: Chrono Surge. It gives a nice 75% attack speed. Helps in procing shields further, but aim well.
Level 10: which ever but I prefer the beam because of the slow.
Level 13: tripple strike, each strike counts as a CDR.
Level 16: Blades of a templar. Not only do you have more attack speed, but the slow helps in aiming an aggressive chrono attack speed boost.
Level 20: Zealot charge. You want to stick to your enemy as much as possible. Minion, merc, or hero, you want that AA CDR reduction.

The point here is to survive while being aggressive. Almost clutchful and play style like the Butcher but with more utility. The harder and faster your aa hits, the easier it becomes to survive flak damage or chip damage.

Hope that helps

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Thank you again. You are a truly big help here. Never really consider the Blade of Templar or Chrono Surge until you mentioned it.

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Strange, considering I mentioned both talents in my very first response in this thread. Ah well, I suppose I should be happy that at least you are considering them now. Blades of a Templar is my default pick at level 16. I almost never take Titan Killer, and only take Force of Will if I am handling too many tanking duties on him.


I suspect you gave the OP too much info.

Their question was probably closer to “What build should I yolo while I get a feel for Artanis?”

What you gave them was “Here are a whole bunch of things to keep in mind while you’re picking talents”

Important information that the OP just isn’t ready to deal with yet.


Well, I would agree if this were the first time the OP had asked about this, but there is a pretty long history of this person asking for help with Artanis, and at least a few months ago, I gave them three basic builds that could be used in pretty much any QM situation. But eh, maybe someone will find it helpful.


What is the purpose of this post? Still searching for “extra” recognition? Thought you already got “enough” like from your “friends” in this thread.

Well said. Unlike others, I rather get the basic right first instead of jumping to advance section like starting to develop a counter for every single hero, running 10 thousand possibilities for every single map and hero in my head, and then come out with a godly plan to win the game like every Artanis “main” that has 100% win rate.

No, I just like talking about Artanis. :slight_smile: