Healer Variety or rather lack there of

You’d be suprised. At high level of plays (where people know more about the game and what characters are played) support diversity is quite high. Obviously Tyrande is picked a lot, however almost everyone sees plays.

However, a decent chunk are niche and aren’t picked often. This includes Reghar, Morales, Auriel, Kharazim, and Li Li.
They aren’t unviable but you have to build for them to fit in your comp.

Ana, Alex, Lucio, Bw, Stukov, Deckhard, Malfurion, and Whitemane see play all the time (Whitemane less so).
From my experience support diversity and variety is very good right now and a plethora of heroes are viable.

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I think reghar and kharazim could be played more there but you rarely even have to change usual strong healing picks since tanks and shimadas often get priority bans.

Both only work in very aggressive dive comps. Reghar more so is an in between burst protection and diver but he doesn’t excel at much compared to top healers.

The analysis is rather shallow. Healers, for the very simple fact that you generally only have one on a team, amplifies the effect of popularity.

There will always be a popular healer as the meta changes and that’s not really ever going to change. Complaining about 10% popularity shows you actually have a pretty bad sense of proportion. Seeing a hero 1 in 10 games when there are 17 healers is really not that bad.

If you look at diamond and masters, the diversity increases quite a bit, and your complaints like Morales, Rehgar, and Uther become rather silly when you consider they are also some of the top win rate heroes. Heroes like Deckard and Tyrande used to be the top, and changes shift around, wow, it’s almost like changes might change things. It really makes me question if you’ve even played this game at all.

Now, if you’re saying at lower levels, easier to play heroes might be more popular and effective, that’s not exactly surprising. At 40% popularity, it does seem that LiLi is too accessible to the average player, but that’s always sort of been the problem with her.

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A lot of the time in lower levels, people will fill roles they generally aren’t comfortable in, so a low skill floor healer like Li Li will see a lot of play. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though.


It’s not a bad thing, but at that high of popularity and have a positive win rate, I think that’s verging on problematic.

Uther would probably be fine if they got rid of most of the melee based talents.

[quote=“rcw-2543, post:4, topic:14190”]
It works quite nice actually, you just need a team wehere the damage concentrates on one target which is ok as she clearly is a single target healer.[/quote]

I want to be clear on this one because a lot of people brought it up in this thread — Morales isn’t unplayable now. I actually like the fact they pulled away from using Mana on some of the Starcrart heroes (I’d actually like to see a little more of this). However, her heal beam consumes just a tad too much energy. The heal beam either needs to heal a little more or use a little less mana.

It wasn’t a bad change, but the changes left her unpopular because it pushed the skill cap a lot higher then most people seem capable of dealing with.

Look at how unpopular he still is compared to when he first came out though. The nerf to how many pots he can have out hurts just a little too much. I almost wish they would give him a variety of pots to he can toss out or make him progressively drop weaker and weaker pots or something.

Personally, I think they just need to increase the hitbox on her knock back a tad and be less picky about her swipe placement. It might not even be a bad idea to make the displacement baseline.

Words can hurt you know…

She’s one of my highest win rates( and highest for healer), but I always go blink heal to increase the heals, and only play her on maps that benefit the most from her global.