Happy Blaze Day!

And just remember, click the Bunker.


Blaze release date 09/01/2018 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Es confused! but yeah I’d click on the bunker but because of the nerf the delay allows the enemy to kill me before the cast is done. (insert fail horn sound)



Always! Bunker best heroic in the game.

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20/04/2022 for the rest of the world

I still hold out faint hope that one of these days, the US will catch up to the rest of the world when it comes to measurement. The fact that I can go to the grocery store and buy a liter of soda and a gallon of milk is just silly.

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You guys were going to change, but then instead of just enforcing it, it was more like “change if you want”, so no one changed cause why would you if you already know one system.

It’s sad :frowning:

I learned both when I was in grade school, and still have to know both because I work in a technical field, but the imperial unit system is dumb.


That hero is first pick material.

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I love seeing all these non-American’s be confused.



Even sillier, Mars Climate Orbiter exploded because of a problem of units.


Speaking of Blaze. Its soon warm enough to start up the grill again.

Can’t wait to invite my friends to “our” garden for some grills :smiley: