Give us feedback that our reports are doing something

In my last post, I didn’t make it clear enough, I don’t think. So here I am again.

I’ve reported, say, maybe 10-20 people in the last three months.
Were they being toxic? Yes.
Did they deserve to get punished? I think so, yes.
Did they ever get their due punishment? I DON’T KNOW!

People keep saying that the report system doesn’t work, and that’s because they are given no indication that it works.
In Overwatch, you at least get a message saying “We can’t tell you who, but action has been taken against someone you reported”. I ask that Heroes Of The Storm gets the same treatment.

Edit: Now for some reason, people think that I’ve just been reporting people for BS reasons, like false verbal abuse reports or “picking Murky” (I don’t see how that’s reportable at all. But honestly, I wouldn’t put it past some people).

That’s also another problem with the report system, they don’t give a solid example of what’s reportable and what’s not. This is another thing from Overwatch, and that’s to give an example of what the problem is.

In Overwatch, abusive chat is clearly defined as “Any form of hateful, discriminatory, obscene, or disruptive communications”. Similarly, inactivity is defined as “A lack of participation in the game, either by not being at their controls or not attempting to engage at the enemy”. I reported someone for the latter recently because they admitted that they were throwing the match. I tried reasoning with them, but they simply wouldn’t listen.


Wish I could down-vote things. Part of the problem with the reporting system is it gives incentive for people to seek out ‘revenge’ on the people that are supposed to be a part of their TEAM. You’re a prime example where you’ve reported a bunch of people for being ‘toxic’, which none of us know what you consider toxic or not toxic, as opposed to cheating or AFK’ing the match or trolling or anything that’s an actual real problem and you want to get the satisfaction of seeing these people ‘punished’ for their verbal transgressions. It’s sadistic.


@dcgregorya your absolutely right, wheres the upvote?

I don’t report people for nothing. I only do it if I have a good reason, and all of the people I have reported more than deserved it. Many of them were abusive in chat (properly abusive; not giving advice on how to play better or anything like that), or throwing games to their own admition.

Everyone has their own interpretation of what’s toxic behavior, and I don’t doubt that BS reports happen. All I can do is report those who I think deserve it, and not encourage bad behavior.


Why? Do you take pleasure knowing that you reported that player for picking Murky got banned for no other reason then he picked Murky? Do you take pleasure knowing that the guy that asked you to stop diving 1v5 all game ruining his game got further punished because he tried to help you? Seems only a sadistic jerk would want even need feedback on their reports.

Please read the revision I made to the original post just now, thank you

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Still doesn’t change my response. There is no valid reason to give feedback on your reports.

I just want to know that my reports are actually being acknowledged. I just want to know that toxic players are actually being punished for their behavior. And I just want to know that my time reporting them isn’t completely wasted. Is that really too much to ask?

Why do you need to know that? Seems to me you just want to know how easy it is to hurt other players.

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I want to know because if all of my reports on toxic behavior are just going completely ignored, then why should I even bother?

Maybe you don’t make abusive false reports, but there are a lot of trolls who do. Because of all these false reports clogging the system, Blizzard can’t actually identify the real trolls and needs to ignore reports until they pass the 20/week threshold. So if you only play a few games a week you’ll never be banned no matter what you say.

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Wait has something changed?
I’ve received an email from blizzard saying, anonymously, that someone I reported had actions taken against their account.

I only report for extremely offensive behavior. I don’t play as much anymore, and most only vs AI, so this was probably about half a year ago.

I’ve always kept Blizzard blocked because they just kept sending me spam mail, have I been getting notifications this whole time without knowing it??

Just visit the forums, you will read how people were silenced/suspended/banned for taking a character their team didn’t like, asking someone to soak a lane or requesting that 10 death Illidan player not dive in again 1vs5.

Do you really need personal notices of everyone you get reported was punished?

If they can do it in Overwatch, I don’t see why they can’t do it in Heroes :man_shrugging:

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They can do it all in Overwatch, they have cash to splash. Honestly, why do you need this? There is a sticky on the front page about weekly AFK/Intentionally dying troll players.

If they rarely put the time into sending reported people chat logs and evidence of why they deserved a ban, do you really think they are going to notify everyone who reports a player? Until there is a limit and better oversight on reports you can’t expect this.

Can’t wake up, can’t wake up, can’t wake up.

Well sure, they don’t need to notify people that someone they reported got banned. But like you said, they have the money and the resources. Realistically, how long would it take to add just a small screen when you boot up the game that says “A player you reported has been punished” like in Overwatch?
But yeah, you’re right. The report system itself needs more oversight, which I doubt is going to happen.

You dont get confirmation because you are just giving a tip to the “mods” to take a closer look a the guy and moving on with your day rather than hiring a hitman

Also because its never your specific report that will result in action. Your report alone is meaningless, the guy will have to collect a number of those to get a silence and only the pile of reports as a whole means anything

Why can’t a specific report cause action. Last game someone called me a name and I reported him for abusive chat. Instead of automated system, a mod should look into this and ban him. Either that or get rid of the reporting system so I can call him something back and defend myself.