Forum coaching by me

fun and storm league doesn’t really fit together honestly. there’s nothing fun in that game mode when you’re solo and get feeders in your team / trolls who would go 1v5 and cost you the game. you can’t say fun when it comes to that and it happens more often than you can imagine. can’t deny that. people try to act positive but everything has limits you can’t keep laughing about it every time you lose that’s literally fake laughs and fake positivity

Do you mean the perfect draft. Or the best hero?

I like heroes who fit regardless of your comp
Jaina, hanzo, Reghar, ETC, Johanna

Then why even play it ?
Why not play stardew valley or any other games that you enjoy. This doesnt make sense to me.

I have many questions, will be back, need to think of what is most important first.

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Im writing tyrael tips so you can cross that off the list

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You are much too kind! I really want to do well with Tyrael, I feel so lost with him more than any other tank I’ve tried, other than Garrosh, only because I don’t like Garrosh!

My deceased partner wanted me so much to do well with Tyrael was it was the favorite of Diablo franchise. I try, I do so wrong with him, other than the area denial on 16, I mess up his basic kit.

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Tyrael is a dive tank not a main tank. And to be honest
Who runs dive comp except for 5 mans or fools.

Why fools? because your putting a lot of trust into the coordination of a stranger

Btw area denial is 13 now :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was always keeping myself from playing healers. Basically if my team in SL needed a heal, I was up to dmg build LiLi. :sweat_smile:
Even despite playing this game for a few years my knowledge of healer role and playstyle is very bad. How to start carrying games by saving lives instead of murdering everyone? Which heroes are best for complete healer noob?

You can say healer noob. But I have no clue who you play.
If you are great at ming or Nova I would advice Ana
You said you went dps li li. So If you want to make a high impact
Reghar Alex Stukov Tyrande

If you want just easy straight foreward healers
Reghar lucio Brightwing li li

Note that I find all healers good but the more you can play the better you are

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You are correct, it’s 13 now and not always a mandatory pick. Tyrael is classified as a main tank, perhaps that’s where I’m going wrong with the angel, I draft him as such. I find his kit at odds, you have a support build for your team (including ult that people flee from!) and an aa or smite build for damage.

I honestly don’t know how best to approach using Tyrael in ranked, so I always leave him on the shelf.

Is Dehaka good as a solo tank with dark swarm build?

Playing a bit of every role except healers.
Actually I should start to play Ana, it’s basically healing Nova.

Will try heroes you mentioned for high impact, since I wanna have playmaking opportunity.

I think I missed a lot by keeping myself from 1/3 of the heroes in the game. Time to fix it.

Starter build

1 justice for all
It provides extra shielding for teammates or minions
4. Stalward angel
Armor is your best friend
7 Swift retribution
Cast it for your teammates. It provides them movement+ att speed. Great for chasing and escapes

  1. Santification
    Use it around the middle of a fight
    Too fast and your healer will hate you.
    Too slow and your healer will hate you even more because your allies are dead
    One tip: before the fight. Alt+rightclick that santification is up.
    And ping it twice before using. This is to inform your team to stay close

13 holy ground on choke map
Law and order if you need a bit more offence or defence

16 Horadric reforging if you went holy ground
Law and order if you went Burning halo

20 Seal of el’druin
Great synergy with your other talents

General tips
When there is a diver. Dive with him

Only trow your Q if you plan to teleport there.
You dont need to do it. Just plan to tp there.

Use E both for allies and enemys (cast it 1m before allies when they are running)

Use W on allies and allied camps

When fighting. Fight near walls so if you are low you can trow your Q over them.

Never dive in alone

Focus the target your allies focus

Be anoying

Keep wary off your cooldowns. You might need to use it for escapes or last hits.

I can write more but this is enough for lesson 1

Sorry for spelling. I wrote this on my phone

How can i reason with "azmo mains " that the fastest way to stack are to stay and poke fights and hit 200 before 10 rather than lane all game and finish with 95 stacks after a 25 minute game ?

Im really trying to stay calm with them but my sanity is running out :neutral_face: i just wish we had friendly fire when i see them do that …

I know the division S ran it once with a aba. But I advice against it.
Just because it lowers the morale of your teammates

Yes you got it!
It also improves your aim in general

Say rotate with me. Ill hurt the minions and you finish them off with your Q. Azmo doesnt need to solo stack. He needs to get help
Do that and secretly stay neir enemys

If 2 are death. Ping retreat because you cant win this.
Try to trade with their deaths.
I mean maybe do a camp or soak the lanes for xp
I personally just ping my alive teammate and the camp and write “start it”

Im the guy who preferes to loose obj with 5 alive. So we can all defend. Then all death and 2 just respawned.
Btw your biggest ally is good reasoning. Teammates often listen too it. Just make your reasoning short
“Skip it! Lets def as 5”


-First Obj coming up.
-I’m (Rehgar) laning bot against Stitches (because no one on my team wanted to soak bot).
-Our Raynor gets Junkrat’ed and dies right before obj starts.

Do I stay bot to continue soaking against Stitches or help obj?

If our Raynor hadn’t died, would that change your answer?

I can’t imagine peeps listen to this, but it’s solid advice. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Are you related to Banana.H? (Who often plays Ana)

Im doing a bronze to master challenge. And I notice bodylanguage is everything. If you run behind the walls. People listen more then if your straight behind them

No he is one tier above me. I think I can hold my ground but cant provide more like he does.
I faced him a couple of times. It doesnt look like he is doing more but he is… he is really doing more and better

How? Are you going to tank an account?

This is my smurf account :stuck_out_tongue: I actually hid my own acc because I want my words and my name to be great and not my name
Im playing off meta heroes on underperforming builds. Like stitches auto attack

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