Forfeit for afk/leavers

Could we look into this option as the bots in HoTS are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Or at very least don’t screw the team over and penalize us if we leave since it 99% of matches its a loss and no one wants to waste 20+ minutes on a loss. please


Away from Koprulu.

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Or the option to forfeit at all. The most toxic games where players lash out at each other, feed into lanes, go AFK or just leave because there isn’t a forfeit button aren’t that uncommon in QM environment which just makes it extremely frustrating to play now that we have a role queue that works. It blows that the MMR differences can be so big in QM even if you play healer/main tank duo que

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I’ve won a couple of games with AIs on the team against players. I even had one game where the AI was the MVP (well, I think main healer, but the 4 of us decided they were the MVP).

I just had a game probably less than 2 hours ago where we had someone disconnect… than reconnect a few minutes later. We won that game.

Games are so short that a Forfeit option makes no sense.

I also posted this in the other thread, but, don’t make duplicate threads please.



I miss the downvote button.


copy/pasting the same post across multiple thread and the naking your own topics to spam it some more not a good way to garner people to your cause.

Not to mention necroing a 2 months old thread to boost.


That “Salt Thread” meme is getting old, and also a big NO for a forfeit option. The games aren’t long enough to need it and Blizz has stated many times they will not introduce such a feature.


it was funny the first time. It was fine the next couple of times. Now it is just. Well. It’s spam.


extra characters

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Normally Ai’s suck, but our Varian in TL was a L5 moron, and we finally won when he went AFK and the ai took over.

You would never think such a simple AI could be so much smarter than a human, but it was. He was that bad and stupid. LOL.

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That moment when someone leaves and the bot taking over is better.
I wouldn’t mind it in ranked only if the person leaving in game loses more than if he dodged draft.
And if trying to force someone to leave a game to avoid rank loss is met with a ban.

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Hahahah nope you sit there and deal with the afk / feeders / and adept AI. If you could surrender or have a match remade when someone goes afk for the first 2-3mins then you would miss out on that quality gaming that is playing with an AI
or being at an early game disadvantage.:ok_hand:

Quality content 10/10. Idk why people would even want to leave those games.

I would support a reduced penalty for your rank if there was a couple of bots stepping in for the leavers… But there are cases where the AI would play better than the person who just left, and cases where the AI doesn’t spell doom for your team… and I’m sure there’s some way to abuse the reduced penalty thing that I’m not thinking of at the moment.

But honestly, if you think adding a surrender option will stop the one temper-tantrum player from going AFK/feeding, you’re not really thinking it through. Any sort of surrender option would involve a vote, at minimum requiring three players to agree (which would impact the other 7 players in the game, so it’s not really a fair vote), and if three players DISagree, the temper-tantrum still happens… only now it’s ‘because you don’t agree with me, I’ll throw.’