Forced 50% winrate doesn't exist

Game gives you a challenge. From all people you exactly have a chance to fight GM.
Go and show him that rank means nothing!

Forced 50% is not a myth; it’s the system working as intended. If the game is setting you against opponents of your skill level, then in theory you should win only 50% of the time.

I don’t know why people complain this. Win streaks happen. Loss streaks happen. If you’re getting 60%+ W/L, then the population for the game is too low for your particular bracket or the system sucks.


I think this inconsistency might have something to do with the system putting people in the same lobby in such a way that each team has a 50% win chance.

Here’s the theory: the system does this by using the player MMR only, which is a very bad idea because when you play ranked you dont know what hero you are going to play and sometimes you can get someone who just thought “on boy illidan would be so good here if only i knew how to play him… wait… i’ll pick him anyway!” and he’s a high mmr player with a low mmr on illidan but the system does not take this into account.

The most probable theory though is that now the system uses not only player mmr but also role mmr to make the lobbys; which implies you can cheat the system by picking a role where you have a very very low mmr and then in the lobby pick your main and completely smash all games. Maybe this is why games feel so inconsistent.

it’s pretty simple, the forced 50% win rate has been setup by Blizz so people don’t get fed up with the game, theoritically. So you can climb with some kind of bonus rank points and from one season to another one if you improved your rank.
But the 50% win-rate will always be here. Like in pre-season I had something like 1347 win / 1345 loss xD sure, there’s no 50% win rate lmao

Thing is, if you’re really experienced you can still win a lot in the begining (for a new account) even if the mm tries to put you with worse and worse teammates. this is why you can have like 200 wins/100 loss but if you play a thousand game then it will be 1000 wins/ 1000 loss.

edit: or you can see it like the mm really tries to balance the game and thus in the end you end up with a 50/50% win rate. Go figure, but in the end yes there’s obviously a forced 50/50% win rate anyway.

Team A: #29 GM, D1, You, two other
Team B: D2, 4 other

Looks like the MM used you or the other two to make Team A “weaker”, so the match is more fair and the GM doesn’t need to wait a lot more for a single game.


they have already.

they didnt. i think thats obvious since ppl still believe it exists.
…but since we all love the power of necromancy here is the old post.

We’ve seen some responses in this thread regarding a “Forced 50% win rate,” and we’d like to lay that to rest: The goal of the matchmaker and rating system is not to have every player win 50% of their matches, but rather to bring every player to skill rating where they are expected to win 50% of their matches due to being matched against other players of comparable skill. The matchmaker will not punish a player for winning a majority of their games by intentionally pairing them with other players of lower skill rating. If you are an excellent player and go on a 10 game winning streak, the matchmaker has no obligation to stop you from continuing to win. What will happen is that the game sees you performing at a higher skill level and will try to match you with and against higher skilled players to see if you can continue to win, or start to level off.

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I’m pretty convinced anyone with an IQ higher than 80 would laugh at the forced 50% conspiracy which first started in LoL then of course keeps flourishing in here.

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I got to masters with over 66% winrate. But hey, I spent my time carrying games and not crying on forums.


Comparing coin flips to Forced 50% is logically false. Matchmaking is an AI programmed by data scientists and engineers, comparing it to random coin flips is absolutely wrong. Unless you r talking about some professional coin flippers…who can manipulate coin flipping…thats what HOTS matchmaking is.

When i read that i instantly had Infinity War flashback were Thor is chained in his ship at the beginning of the movie.

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The purpose of the coin flip example is to show that IF the odds of a win are 50%, you will approach that value over time without any forced/unfair matches. That should be the goal of a matchmaker, to create fair matches.

I also made an observation that people generally don’t really understand why they won or lost(in a match without any AFK/trolls). This is largely because of tunnel vision during the match and not watching their replays.

If you want to side with the general conspiracy theory that Blizzard dislikes certain people winning too much, and gives them known AFK/trolls, or manipulates certain matches against them… be my guest.
By manipulate I mean putting them against far superior opponents or with trash teammates to keep their winrate down. As opposed to a healthy matchmaker slowly moving them up until it finds fair matches again.

I’ll stick with my opinion that most people can’t self evaluate, have confirmational biases, and don’t understand they should lose about half of their matches if the matchmaker is working as intended.

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Yet one would imagine that the only reason one would get a loss streak is after a win streak that put them above where they belonged.
But if the system thinks you belong somewhere, the win/loss streaks should be smaller should they?

Yeah I would too, except during a win streak where I am easily keeping up with higher ranked players, I suddenly get several matches where I am placed with allies who ban other ally’s heroes during draft, which results in the other ally throwing the match.

Once in a while is one thing, but multiple times in a row right after a win streak… has me questioning it.

You can definitely tell when the loss is due to a good enemy team compared to when it is due to allies who don’t work together or actively try to sabotage the match.
One of those losses feels fine.

Its not forced-50% per say, but a confluence of extremely frustrating “features” of the MM.

  1. The MMR in average skill levels is wildly, woefully inaccurate. Especially for new accounts.

  2. The consistency of the average skill level account is extremely low.

  3. The confidence for old accounts is way too high, while for new accounts is way too generous. In addition to this, for some unknown reason, they have a built in “buddy system” to pair up with really old anchored accounts with pretty new accounts more often than it ought to.

You combine these features together, and it makes for matchmaking that feels like absolute garbage in practice. I climbed this season to plat 4 with a 70% win rate.

Now im at gold 5 with a 40% win rate. Did i suddenly become a bad player? No, the matchmaker is just garbage and wants me to stay within my designated range, so it forces the worst noobs it can on my team over and over again.

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i get bad runs of games all the time Try not to worry. My last run was an afk, a guy who died 11 times in 9 min. I guy who would not leave bace because he was raging at another teammate, a win, another bot, a feeder who just had to tell me they are top 50 GM (ya one of those…), an afk , a person who would not exit base. Some i forgot, but out of 13 games I had 2 legit losses 10 caused by afk or trolls and a win.

I lost I think 2 ranks, but this is just chance. I do wish RNJ was more on my side but this tike I lost my 50/40% coin flips :(.

Just played a game where on spider tomb, a Varien player fed 7 times in a 9 minute match.

Yes the game ended in 9 minutes, other team realized they could free push core after first wave of spiders took out a keep.

“force 50% doesnt exist”

But plenty of forced-losses exist.

How is this not manipulating ? And apparently the goal is not to make fair matches like yourselves said.

Also my other intention is to stop ppl from mentioning coin flips, it’s misleading.

I don’t have 50% wr this season btw so i can attest it does not exist.

I and 3 of my teammates had to carry a Thrall that fed 1 death every minute from the start of the game until the 11 min mark. Windfury in to the entire enemy team, instantly die, ping the healer 3-6 times, respawn, repeat.

We won, but it wasn’t easy. Those games happen, some days are worse than others. I just assume they end up on the enemy team at roughly the same rate.

If we win, my toxic friend usually tells them they’re even bad at throwing…

It doesn’t exist. I think Blizzard has skirted around the issue long enough, and I think they finally need to come out and just say it: Heroes of the Storm will no longer be playable and will be removed from the Battle. net Launcher.

Instead of forcing players to quit with the terrible matchmaker, they should just cut to chase and remove former “game.”

The matchmaker is broken, there’s not a big enough player base, there’s no competitive scene, newer players don’t clearly understand what needs to be done in order to win other than “SEE HERO GO TO HERO, TRY AND KILL OR DIE” and rise and repeat.

Most of the games I get are one sided. I haven’t had a fair game of Heroes of the Storm across HL/ SL/ QM since 2-3 years ago.

It’s time to move on. When people played, and Blizzard gave 0.05% of a care, this game was acceptable, although not perfect. With the state of everything now, it’s just unplayable.

Yes. I have uninstalled already, don’t need to remind me.

Not necessarily. If you’ve already played a large number of games it is harder to move the meter with small sample sizes and the idea isn’t to cut streaks short but rather put someone at the right place. If you’ve played a large number of games then the matchmaker likely has a good idea of what your skill level is and would likely be less responsive not more since it’s a smaller percentage of your matches.

You see this because you have demonstrated a higher skill level so when it calculates the average mmr across the whole team yours brings the average up and theirs bring it down and the other team likely has players in a similar position.