Forced 50% Matchmaker Theory

Maybe you were counting on people not having a Linkedin account, but I do have one.

And you conveniently omitted the fact he worked on “All Blizzard games” before 2013 only.

The person you’re talking about worked on Halo/cod only for years.

There’s no forced anything, my proof is that all the people whining about forced losses are bronze

copy paste exists

agree to disagree

Don’t be childish, I just linked something what he wrote.
And you haven’t answered my posting, therefore you are already out of line.

This is probably likely. I’ve noticed these wild MMR swings as well.

However, there is no such thing as a “forced” 50% winrate.

The choices blizzard made in the last 5 years are questionable

This makes sense. But is it intentional?

Isn’t that enough? Why wld they hire 5 different lead matchmaking designers for 5 different games? It’s more like 1 team working on all games.

I can PROVE to u there’s forced 50% wr in quick match and im diamond, play solo/random with my leveraged acount and u will see wat im taling about… low lvl’s u need to carry, counters and stuff, u need to be mvp on every match to keep winning. I can do this and still be 60% win rate, but need to carry all the matches. If u play, for example, an off-hero, u will soon be near 50% cuz will be stomped so bad.

There is no 50% system, if you filter the playerbase into 6 types you will get:
Pro, Good and Average.
On this, if you also add Inexperienced, AFK, Toxic
You can form a Dice with 6 sides.

Now throw this dice… you basically got a 50% chance of getting either
Pro, Good or Average VS Inexperienced, AFK or Toxic.

It’s not the system, it’s the playerbase. There aren’t rly many more types of players you can add. if you add one new type to each side it’s still gonna be 50% chance you get a horrible matchup.

It would be a VERY smart matchmaking system if it could calculate and match players in a way so that everyone gets 50% winrate. I don’t think any company has such MM system.

You have to get out of this circle 50% of the win rate. First you need to have a large number of consecutive wins to increase your MMR. From then on, try to lose less. :100:

The forced 50% matchmaker is annoying on quick match if u have a high level acount, cuz u cant play wat u want, unless u dont care to ruin matches of low wr people… for example, if i dont play a carry with my main acount, i cant keep 30% win rate, its bizarre… with my smurf i can play any hero, sup, tanque any stuff with no problem… but with my 2k lvl main acount, the 50% matchmaker makes it impossible for me to play with what I would like.

I dont really care the 50% forced mm on ranked, the system does not expand the search requirements as in a quick match, so its a fair sistem at all… but this thing on qm its annoying.