Fix AI bot scare

it’s really annoying to see a full life AI bot left enemy with 1% HP or left 2% tower/fort camp becouse enemy is near… yes enemy with 1% HP and scared bot go out




No one around to change that sadly


MS :rofl:
comming Soon TM

This is one thing I will never understand when it comes to the HotS dev cycle.

In the beginning, the Elite AI was good enough to cover for Cloud9 in a big HGC game with lots of money on the line when a team had no pauses left & a teammate disconnected.

Then it gradually got worse. So they hired a biology major to work on the AI in 2019-2020 and it got even worse.

Then the AI development got completely abandoned in an awful state.



0:16 Uther walks into mosh pit.


I remember prior to I think the 2017-2018 update the A.I would throw hands with players before the minions would arrive in the lanes. Elites would pull off combos as well as wander and gank as a group if they had a level advantage while also being very skittish if they didn’t. It was usually a rough experience going up against an entire team of Elite A.I with a bunch of randoms, especially so if the Elite A.I composition was half way decent.

The bots are not as bad as they were immediately after that update, I wound up taking a breaking because of them, but they are definitely not as good as they were before that horrendous update dropped.

Yrel A.I though…that’s so much derp in one pixelated character.

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My comments on this.

The AI opponent is capable of steamrolling gold/plat premades given the correct settings and comps. Elite AI players will not be able to defeat them without A. Comp forethought B. OBJ cog C. teamwork.

With ABC taken care of, you are still not guaranteed a win against them in this configuration. The skill level change between normal elite AI and this mode is disorienting.

What I -think- was being worked on was AI that could win at any cost and be helpful for ranked DCs. This wound up being very unfun because AI can communicate with itself on a thread level. That means their combos and decisions can be chained without giving any clues in microseconds. The game winds up being about avoiding concentric triggers.

Your internet connection (ping) will never be good enough to solve this and the bots have to be crippled in various ways. Maybe this means stacking behavioral layers until it works.

I do not like them as player replacement because they make strange plays that you would need to practice with them for - and this is not possible currently because this AI only shows up once every 30 or so games of elite.

It seems there is a switch between the original HotS AI and what appears to be some basic GAN? They are completely different.

So whatever AI work those two employees did, they knew exactly what they were doing and just weren’t finished polishing up their models. It could have worked and been successful because it is very similar to some stuff AlphaBot does and having one on your team in other games is like having a GM that you have practiced with for years - esp if it knows your play history (input list).

In any case, the original AI just plain cheats with skill availability (skill timers).

The game doesn’t announce the switch from regular to advanced AI and you can see in my play history there are lost AI games where the skill level was just so completely amplified that it was steamroll from level 1.

Yea, I would have no trouble catching a solo GM off-guard with these bots heh.

You are spot on with your line of thought - when it wants to, even the current AI is capable of dirty success, as long as you can keep it alive, support it. Jaina, Valla, those kind of heroes at least. It may not work with complex heroes, but with fairly simple skillshot heroes it can most certainly achieve 100% efficiency that is unreachable for humans (every single combo hit, calculated, perfect stutter stepping, ideal projectile avoidance)

I also noticed the AI being forgiving, letting you escape and stuff like that. It’s what the OP complains about. But in AI matches it’s actually nice. It’s like parents with a child, you make it clear that you won, but then you let the kid win anyway.

AI is not necessary in ranked penalization is better if leaver must win 3 game where someone left + add option “replace players” where real player play only part of the game an gain 3x more rank point and lost only 10% if loss… problem SOLVED

(this user has been permanently banned from the heroes of the storm forums)