Feels on smurfing

I see both sides bc most people don’t create smurf accounts just to troll silvers. I wish blizzard would do something to discourage it. Even bringing back level 5 requirements in ranked bc that would make smurfing alot less fun. Those with good reasons to would still smurf but ppl who just want to mess around on a new account would lose most of their roster to do so.

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I was using hyperbole to make a point. But this is the first season where I have seen him get through diamond/plat quicker than silver/gold. Truth be told his win rate was probably like 85% this season where other seasons it was 95% but still :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Personally I undersstand some reasons people smurf but the ones that do it to stomp on silvers are just trash. Most GM’s that smurf should climb pretty quick it’s annoying but if they are solo queue it gives everyone a semi equal chance to have them on their team unless you are cursed.
Before the great smurfing I used to get more rainbow matches with masters, plats bronzes all in the same game. It was fun playing with good people but at least in rainbow matches compared to smurfing the teams should be “balanced”.