Feedback Thread for Hero Reworks

Chen rework: nectar of the gods

I was sad to see Keg Toss go but so happy about everything else it was ok

I stopped playing chromie when they removed trap build lol. That was the only reason I picked her up instead of always just playing junkrat or sometimes Hammer for that long-ranged role, and within a week of me buying her on my alt she got surprise-reworkd and instashelved

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I do not think there is something to do, i really like BW for her insane disrupting potential. Maybe classify as a support as utility-oriented heroes fit in there well.

Sounds very interesting, as this makes room for new talents.

That’s quite reassuring, i’ll be looking forward to that patch now.

Especially the basic attacks part; having more reason to go in and land attacks between abilities/during cooldowns is always a good thing to me.

Perhaps, perhaps.
Then again, being a healer is part of her essence, and the possibility to having to re-classify her as a support only shows how hard Lúcio’s rework hit her by displacing her to a completely different role in a game.

Besides, Lúcio can cause just as much disruption, with Boops and a clever use of his Trait, and to surpass him you are forced to go Q build with BW and possibly take Greater Polymorph at level 1 and Emerald Winds at 10, reducing your overall healing and having no way of dealing with high bursts of damage.

But, this is just the opinion of a low-Plat player that should probably be in Bronze and is for some unknown reason in Platinum.

That’s everything you need to say. Now I’m feeling quite excited for the upcoming changes!


If there was a single thing that I could change about HOTS without altering anything else, it’d be Tychus.


Is this where I submit the complaint that Whitemane has weird neck animations during basic attacks?

Hold up. Where is the announcement of Whitemane talent changes?

kinda sounds similar to malfurion: from what i hear the dude’s a great hero, but he’s so intensive to play that many players just can’t do it without wanting to rip their hair out. or at least, i know i can’t q:

maybe a good solution would be to somehow set up talents so that these heroes to have 1. their current playstyle and 2. an easier, but slightly less effective playstyle? like how tracer’s highest DPS option at level 4 makes her less forgiving to play, and her highest DPS option at 16 increases her mechanical engagement (while also making the bones in my poor, wimpy hand want to cry)

Li-ming baseline calamity please.

Qhira to remain viable in high level ranked, not nerfed to garbage tier like butcher or valeera or illidan only good in situations 1% of the time

Dva, please keep pew pew pew at level 20 to constantly reset her mechs, that was so fun. Please make pilot mode as viable as her mech mode if talented into (pilot mode shouldn’t be a mode you use just to wait out your mech cooldown)

Zuljin, lower guillotine cooldown to compete with tazdingo, gives zuljin some waveclear too.

Buff brightwing intensive winds level 20 slightly, the mana cost is way too high


Believe me, you don’t want to do that.
I’m already sitting at a ~54% QM winrate with Zul’boi running Guillotine in over half my games, and I can give Malthael a run for his money in the solo lane (though I’ll hate every second of it). In fact, once Zul’jin completes YWA? and reaches about level 13, Twin Cleave becomes one of the best waveclear basic abilities in the game, on par with (or at least close to) Jaina and KT.

Besides, Zul’jin’s winrate is pretty solid right now. Buffing him now will just mean they’ll have to nerf him later.

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In this thread?

They didnt really announce Imperius talent changes (more like a rework) either. Yet here we are. Whitemane needed one since the day of her release lol.

Ideas for Tyrande:

Shave off the delay of the cast time for flare by a fraction.

The flare
Quest is good but upon completing stacks, the duration of stun is changed from 0.75 to 1 sec when quest is completed.

Make her debuff armour -20

As for the Owl build, when you complete quest, pressing “w” making the owl self destruct and explode, damaging enemies around OR just revealing a surrounding area once per flight by pressing W as well.

Her basic aa can have a buff attack damage.

Its not like Tyrande needs any buffs… she got only talent diversity issues.

As said in the first post in this thread, they mentioned it in an answer in on eof the recent AMAs; same for the Tyrande talent diversity issue.

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And quite frankly my hopes are low. Not because Blizz is unable to fix it, but because they most likely do not have hands to fix it properly fast.
She got currently dominant build and newbie build (Everlasting Light, TrueShot, Moonlit Arrows) which is weaker, but easy to play, so imo its nice. Then we have trait build and here is the problem. They made a build, that relies on enemy staying alive long, around ability that is supposed to help you kill enem fast. Whaaaat… This requires major changes. I hope Im wrong tho.


I know, but this could potentially help out.

Must have missed that. Ta

I hope you don’t kill the non-aggressive Mercy/Inquisition build with Searing Lash as an afterthought. If anything, make it a bit more mobile, but that’s all that build needs. If my favorite healer becomes a DPS bot who has to be aggressive to heal I’ll be very disappointed.


I play a bit of Whitemane, and I would only like one thing (for now), is to be able to Alt+E aka auto self-cast her E. I’ve tried doing so multiple times, and it doesn’t work unless I manually cast it on her model using mouse cursor. Is there a reason as to why this is? Is it intended?