Fan's thoughts on Qhira: OP against bad players, garbage against good players

The devs nerfing or changes up heroes isn’t a concrete sign that a hero is actually too strong though. Many times, the devs have nerfed or implemented changes to a hero because low skill players complained. In fact, a LOT of those changes are based almost entirely on who bad players think is OP.

Chromie and Jaina are great examples. Jaina has been arguably the best mage in HOTS for quite a while but, on the surface, she is so straightforward that bad players simply don’t complain her. Icy Veins and her ability to root (both as a large AoE ult at a talent choice later in the game) make her absolutely INCREDIBLE in skilled play. However because of her more straightforward nature, people don’t complain. Chromie on the other hand has been touted as being “unfair and unfun” by people who actually lose AI matches and those who don’t know how to position themselves. Guess which one of these has been continuously nerfed, received a mini rework and then received a full rework over the past year or so?

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so, she is getting nerfed…

Fatal Wounds no longer causes Blood Rage to deal bonus damage to enemies that have less than 5 stacks.
Fatal Wounds no longer causes the activated portion of Blood Rage to deal bonus damage.

You picked wrong example because even HL GMs complained about her.

Who cares? People keep referencing like 2 or 3 HOTS GM streamers who complained about Chromie and literally nobody else. They are statistically insignificant and don’t affect my point in any way.

Well, your point was that only newbs complained about her.

Secondly, how are 2-3 out of 200 GMs less significant than 10 forum low ranks out of thousands?

Kinda weird logic coming from someone who basically copy&paste what supposedly “high rank” players or hotslogs say.

PS - Chromie is better than she used to be, so dunno why you talk about nerf.

Beside the fact that there are dozens, sometimes hundreds of posts/comments here from lower skill players complaining about how certain things should get nerfed (not counting reddit, which would balloon that to the thousands), that’s 2-3 people out of the entirety of master league. My point was that the devs balance largely around the bad players, so saying something along the lines of “oh yea well like 2 or 3 Streamers who happen to be GM also said chromie is stinky!” means nothing.

Posting data from master league or referencing how certain high skill players thoughts on certain changes agrees with that data (Like Procraft noting that the Azmodan rework made him much stronger overall) isn’t really copy pasting. Regardless

Come on man, this wasn’t that hard to read.

So you think that its 1 post per newb, not the same people spamming the same thing (oh LCD…).

It is when you are unable to post anything else.

Fact that you cant understand most of the changes doesnt mean they dont balance mostly around DIA+.

Cool quote, but considering how Chromie performs, their goal wasnt to nerf her. They messed up first rework royally, but it wasnt ever about nerf. so again, bad example I dont know why you bring up.

Nova or Valeera, sure, waiting for the rest of this huge list.

Yeah but Abathur is there so it’s still 2v5.

Her design was bad.
It isn’t necessarily good now, but it’s more interactive at least.

you cant even right click her. qhira is awful. she is the worst hero i’ve ever seen. period.

back in the good old 3-dimensional model editing days, having a custom model you could not right click or left click because you did not add a collision sphere or a target volume was because your a lazy piece of crap model editor.

qhira is a glitchy piece of garbage you cant right click her when shes spinning around you and she cancels so many channel abilities once the spinning stops.

this is not state of the art gaming this is just not having a target volume or a collision sphere. stupidest crap ever.

I 100% agree.
She is really easy to dodge. But for that, if you for some reason didn’t dodge - both her utility and damage are op.

good. I don’t want to see qhira

This is not a glitch this is intentional

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they may have made it to be intentional. but its the biggest pile of garbage i’ve ever seen. and in the old days, it was considered ‘‘bad model making.’’ and still is in my mind.

in a game where you need to right click things, to do things, not being able to right click them feels really bad, and not at all like good game play, just feels like a crappy model makers trying to make ‘‘new’’ gameplay out of ‘‘glitches’’

how many characters need to right click?

I get that you are frustrated but its not gonna change. Unstopable and cleanses work great to put her out of position when she spins around you.
Also fast mobility if you are into heroes like Genji and Tracer can put her way exposed into the backline. But in a 1v1 she is a little bs I agree


10 months later :sob: But ye she is a noob stomper but weak vs good players.
Even 10 months later :smiley:


The same players also want to nerf Genji and Nova… You know the player type.

Black Live Matter. :muscle:t5:

Ofc it does. People just forgot we are all humans but some people make skin colors a political war.