Execute Orders talent on aram

Again, from Kevin Gu’s own professional profile:
Feb 2017 – Feb 2018
Primary designer for new AI behavior tree system, working closely with engineers.

Do I need to make the “Primary designer” text bold? He started his AI work almost 2 years before they cut the team. AltRight has no clue what he’s talking about that’s all. That behavior tree is why the AI is so clueless at the moment.

Back to the topic.
The issue with Raynor is even much more severe.
Quoted from the HotS Wiki:

Execute Orders

Reduce Raynor’s death timer to 30 seconds. Upon death, the Hyperion is cast toward the closest enemy Hero.

  • Does not require selecting Hyperion at level 10.
  • Ability searches for the closest Hero globally, but the cast will still be initiated from Raynor’s location with its original range.
    Multiple Hyperions may be active simultaneously.
  • Reduces Raynor’s death timer by 35 seconds. Level 20+ death timers being 65 seconds, it effectively sets the cooldown to 30 seconds on normal maps, but to 7 seconds on ARAM maps (as they use shorter death timers).

Sauce: Raynor - Heroes of the Storm Wiki


Those things were mentioned in the topic already, though not multiple Hyperions. That requires him to cast 1 right before dying, then getting 1 for free after dying.

So he can have 2 out at once, which is a bit weird but I guess acceptable (in normal games, in ARAM it’s frustrating)


That’s exactly what I wanted to point out


It makes me pleased I haven’t had time to play much HOTS lately and no ARAM. This is an issue that really should receive a hotfix. I know it’s really only a problem in ARAM, but that would be extremely irritating and unfair to deal with. Especially so if a team gets multiple Raynors.

I sort of wish they still have ARAM where everyone is the same hero. Raynor with that bug and everyone taking Execute Orders… The sky would be permanently filled with Hyperions until a core would be finished by a stray Yamato Cannon.

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This exactly what would happen in an Aram with multiple Raynor’s on one side.
This is another hint for me that the devs only tweak talents based on numbers and not on in game experience.
This change wouldn’t have gone live, if they had tested it enough.

My suggestion is to open the ptr for a much longer time, test new changes before they go live. Just to make it sure that such huge issues don’t appear any longer.
Khaldor mentioned lately a list with over one hundred (partially game breaking) bugs.
I can’t remember any time in this game where so many own problems occurred on the live server


Oh god. I just realized what the issue with that can be.

If there’s like 2 or 3 Raynors on one side, 6 Hyperions coming at your keep or core is just gg with no skill.


dude this feature is great, wth are you whining for it?