EPIC Grand Final: Lauber vs. Mascarade - META Madness (Heroes of the Storm)

if you want to see the epic final of the META Madness Tournament between Team Lauber and Team Mascarade, give it a try:

Spoiler Protection!

You can see in this final

  • Dehaka as Main Tank

  • Falstad-Kael’thas-Combo Kills

  • Cho’Gall play

  • and even more Madness

  • and oh, Trykslr as Co-Caster (like in the old HGC-Days)


Artanis main tank on BoE? <3 Mascarade.

And I love how his team picked both of the remaining, bottom of the barrel tanks on the fifth and last map. Meta Madness is one of my favorite series to watch, mostly because it is so unpredictable, and you really to get to see some very creative drafting.


The draft of both remaining tanks on Braxis Holdout was really cunning and led to the stomp in the last game.
Butcher can’t be played on this level of coordination. His trait is annulled too easily.

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Although it is always fun seeing Illidan being played by pros.


Same goes for Orphea, Qhira and Valeera


Devs can take notes which heroes weren’t even considered to be played in Meta Madness and do some changes to them :stuck_out_tongue:


Which are Probius, Kel’Thuzad, Genji and…


Every other Hero got played at least once throughout the tournament

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Some heroes might be obsolete towards the best skilled players, but it doesnt directly make them obsolete in the lower skill levels. Those players play in such diffirent way its realy not comparable at all.

Sure, reworking them to become viable can be nice, but it sometimes is actualy devestating as you dont want to make a hero too difficult. And this can be down to basic elements like its trait.

Sgt Hammer is for example always going to have restrictions because of this, they made the potential skill tiers on it larger, but it also destroyed the hero for many others. While its still a hero that has problems in its basic element (it has to siege up).

And of those heroes that ironymous mentioned:

  • i have to say that probius can be a pain to face. Probius has a lot of burst damage potential, and can lane relatively well. At lower levels probius is definitely not useless.

  • Genji on the other hand… bronze cant use him effectively (that dash causes more suicides than kills), and in the middle tiers he is considered suboptimal aswel. Thats indeed a hero worthy for a rework.

  • Kelthuzad is niche, but devestating when giving that opportunity, for high level draft modes he isnt ideal, but still works to a certain degree. Even if its just for punishing a draft. I wouldnt change him much, at most some talent changes to make him better adjustable towards diffirent ranks.

  • Nova… well, she has always been an issue, and although her last rework did cause improvements, she suffers mostly from a useless decoy. Which is the only thing they should change (this is why high level players avoid her, the decoy doesnt behave natural at all, so people still easily can chase the real nova).

Realy, its not as bad as it looks. Balancing a game with many heroes/classes towards the top players is rarely a good thing. Most players arent even remotely as good as them, and thats where you should still balance for.
Those top people can optimize the useless stuff out of their way anyway. They arent affected as much as others.

Probius is of all the heroes that didn’t get played by far in the best spot. His Builds are variable and can get used in many team combinations. Idk why they haven’t considered playing him.
Kel’Thuzad is like Butcher very vulnerable as long as he hasn’t finished his Trait-Quest. I would look at this Quest in a rework of him.
Like you said is Nova a Hero with a missing ability. Her Decoy’s can only get used to catch bullets, but no better player gets irritated by one or even more decoys. Samuro’s Mirror-Images are way more difficult to shake off and are actually valuable.
I would try to give Nova’s Decoys the same function as Samuro’s just to see if this works better (Targeting one Hero, keep in Shoot-Distance, follow up and shoot when ever the AA is off cd).

No real escapes. easy to blow up, can easily be denied by taking out his power. Probius would be mostly forced to offlane in the higher ranks. Which is something you dont realy want when playing at the highest ranks as its a handicap then. For lower ranks however, full offlane is a viable strategy.


yeah ^ this has bugged me for a long time. If his worker rush wouldn’t be canceled by damage, alone that would make him more viable.
But you are right, his Pylones are too easy to destroy and make him vulnerable.
But I still love playing the little probe.


Yeah, Probuis does have damage potential, as well as good waveclear (Waveclear is Xul’s level, but it’s also ranged). However, the hero is not really well designed in the sense that he requires a long time to set up. This can easily be fixed by giving him more Pylon charges, and by allowing him to use his turret on a space, even if there isn’t a Pylon nearby (this will allow him to use D + E in quick succession, without having to wait for the D to load up), or alternatively the D can be made to load faster.
Also the “mount” deserves 1 sec uptime, that can not be interrupted. And the Pylons need to get the healing fountains treatment - health reduced, but they get regenerating shield instead.
These changes may not seem as much, but at least in my opinion, they will make Probuis playable.

As a “Nova main” I’ve discussed multiple times what I think should be done with Nova. This is a rework suggestion I still stand behind: Nova [small] rework concept

Why are all these posts getting flagged?

Ive really enjoyed the meta madness games.

I don’t really follow any particular team, i just go for whoever has the most interesting heroes. The mass banning of meta madness makes for some cool team comps.