Echoes of Alterac Banner dont displaying as part of the collection

Is about the Orgrimmar Warbanner. I was coming back to play the game after a month that i was unable to play because personal reasons, and i noticed that my banner was not displayed to use, as if i dint own it. For some reason now is appearing to buy it, but as i said, i already had it in the past with all the horde side prizes of the Alterac event. I wonder if someone else have a problem like that with event items too.

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I also have this issue.

Hey Jroc & Evasion,

Thanks for the reports!

This appears to be a purely visual issue. You should still be able to use your respective earned warbanner in the loadout. A dialog box will pop up telling you the collection has been updated if you attempt to purchase the owned banner and the collection will update until relog.

We’re looking to get this issue fixed as soon as we can.

Thank you!
~ Fizivix

Thank you for the reply and explanation Fzivix!

Ty very much for the reply :slight_smile: