Easy short to explain why game couldn't succeed

Didn’t I tell you to stop venting hot air on every post? I am not even reading your garbage anymore.

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you did not. You might actually want to read what you post before you post it :thinking:

That’s the issue at hand: when you aren’t reading, you aren’t informed. If you don’t even bother to read your own tripe, why should anyone else?

Just say you cant handle other people who challange your opinions. Then im sure people will leave you alone. Pretty much throws out the point of this being a forum if only 1 opnion is allowed to be voiced and all others should be silenced. Thats what you call a fascism ideology.

You’re absolutely correct, I’m not sure why I forgot to mention this fact in my reply. I understand that the HGC was basically a very expensive advertisement for Hots, but other than that, I never saw a single advertisement for Hots on any other platform.

Before Blizz started to do some Hots cross promotional events in their other IPs, Hots was tucked discreetly away on the B.net launcher, and it was easy to miss. I only found out about it as my D3 friends invited me over, had they not let me know Hots existed, I probably wouldn’t have found it until they released the cross promotion with D3, where they awarded the Malthael mount.

Say what you like about Overwatch, but at least they heavily promoted it, and didn’t limit that promotion to the Blizzard ecosystem.

A million years ago, in some discussion like this, my lukewarm take was they tried to please everyone, casual and competitive players, and unfortunately this resulted in pleasing almost nobody, or at the very least, it left Hots with no clear identity. As much as I preferred playing Ranked when Hots was in its prime, in hindsight it might have been wiser if Blizzard had leaned more heavily into the promise of a “hero brawler”, where you can play all your favorite Blizzard heroes.

There are quite a few videos that go in depth as to why Heroes of the Storm did not “succeed” as much as it could have (spoilers: It was doing fine, just higher ups got greedy) but it most definitely was not vision hacks which has already been addressed by some other people here.


As you noted, they did advertise was HGC. One other thing they did advertise was streamers. And let’s put the possible future of our company in streamers.

There are a few I still watch but they don’t play HoTs now, and if you can easily transfer your video game skills to another game that’s more popular, then people will probably do it.

It’s a shame actually, because some streamers left the game because it wasn’t lucrative anymore, and it’s a shame because there are streamers in niche games that get lots of views and a consistent fan base.

I guess the thing is, it probably wasn’t a good idea to put a large capital into people who would jump ship at any moment. And some of them didn’t, kudos to them.