Do you have Footage of cool plays or funny moments to share?

I use to record everything for the last 10 years, it does the job the set up might be pain but from last time I checked on first installation the default settings are good for a huge amount of laptops and PCs.

All my recordings are from replays but I could set up some video buffer into OBS but I am too lazy (basically it clips the last 60 seconds into a video and save it with a press of a button), for replay I just press Ctrl + Shift + E before inspecting a hero to disable the ugly top UI and Ctrl + Shift + O for the replay box. Then press from 0 to 9 to inspect a player (mostly me because I am the most important person in this replay, like you are being the most important person in your replay).

The downside is the map is not visible though.


Steel series has a similar thing
Its easyer then obs
UwU to you

SamiSha over here ensuring that therapists retire early from all the traumatized patients they receive from facing that level of Li Ming play.

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Nice one. :slight_smile: I will try to add more as time passes.

