Do devs even know how to play TLV?

I mean there’s a difference between a 70 to 100 second cooldown that gives you global presence and being everywhere and leaving ones teeam at essentially a 4v5 until the late game.

I know TLV may not ever see a true rework, but if they did, here’s my hot take:

Make them a 3-man Rexxar-like. Have them move together by default, allow them to separate/pair up with a wide leash range but doesn’t allow them to soak 3 lanes or run the whole map.

Rebuild the talents to give synergy for pairing up two specific Vikings, or alternatively for keeping specific Vikings solo. (Erik gets extra atk dmg when he’s with Baelog, Baelog gets extra HP when paired with Olaf, Olaf gets more move speed with Erik, etc.)

I don’t think playing with a TLV makes the game less fun. I’ve put a reasonable amount of time playing TLV and i get excited when they’re in the game. It doesn’t make the match less fun, it means the other players have to think a little bit differently. Which i think is a good thing. And i always give big props to a player bold enough to bring a TLV out - the total opposite of the endless stream of countless Zuljins, varians, and li-mings.

Meta play is super boring to me. As you cater to the type of player that can only succeed when theres a meta game that they can learn, you’re discouraging thoughtful players from starting your game up, and more meta type players to. And the more you encourage meta play, the more you’ll be stuck catering to it. Your creativity is going to be more and more squelched.

Next thing you know, all the things that make hots unique and interesting are gone. And you’ve got another moba that’s only played by moba players. And those guys are only loyal to the current meme game. It’s not going to be a good plan for long term game health.