Delete Zagara, she is awful

that’s pretty much correct misery loves company. also yeah nobody agrees with his nonsense yet he keeps going… how pathetic can you be?

El oh El… what a post!

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It feels like just asking for a rework or for some buffs would be better than just asking for the character to be DELETED.

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She is not awful, but dependant on your team understanding how to win the game when she is picked. Same as with Vikings, it’s all about creating distractions for the enemy team so they miss soak or overreact to threats, while not exactly committing yourself to fights.

Same as with Xul on BHB where your team does not understand they can simply tunnel vision the bottom lane as 4 while your Xul outpushes/outsoaks the top lane where the enemy will usually commit 2 players just to compete.

I wouldn’t mind if they shifted some of her siege potential into team fighting power. She can be obnoxious against melee comps, but she is not able to corner an enemy and it is very easy to disengage her if she jumps you.

I have to agree with OP, althought he does not express himself well on it.

On a whole, Zagara is basically lane bully who, when given the time, can siege lanes like crazy. The problem is, the game has shifted since those split-push days.

Towers no longer have ammo and no longer give massive boosts of xp so she no longer give huge xp leads. Sure, she can waveclear, but shes hardly the best at it and nor is she amazing at clearing camps. Nydus has been nerfed and her other ult, while amazing and probably the best choice, is hardly picked because it doesn’t fit her style of gameplay practiced by most players. And when it comes to team fights, she is awful. She deals very little dmg and requires you to have picked the right level 10 to even consider being a game-changer.

However, with the new exp adjustments coming at the end of the season, it may buff her early game, which is nice because that is where she shines the most.

Although, I would like her to have a talent rework and maybe adjust her trait so she actually feels empowered while on creep. Perhaps have Medusa blades as baseline as well as infest but infest is only active while minions are on creep. But as it stands out now, i find her pretty pointless. I’d rather have a Murky.

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B-but zagara was my first main… I like her. You don’t like her don’t play her (and she isn’t picked a whole lot by other people). I mean yeah she’s not god-tier but the vision from creep and global presence is very helpful to an organized team. Plus we always need more zerg monster girls.

In my experience (quite limited), the vision thing isn’t a selling point over someone like Medivh, who at least brings sustained damage and great utility to the team.

If your team has enough map control that zag can place tumors (and they live) where the vision actually matters, then 9 times out of 10 it’s because your teammates are stomping and you could have probably played just about anything and won. Even in QM where people can’t pick a hero that clears tumors real easy like Guldan or Zeratul, there’s still at least 1-2 heroes that can.

She makes the game really miserable for the opposing laner until 10 and then she makes her team really miserable until the game is over.

You might want to book an appointment with a therapist, mental illness is on the rise these days, don’t let that anger go untreated.


And here I thought breathing in and out is good to stay calm

So far he have not showed his own rank but when he saw Caths master rank he crawled back into his hole again.

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I miss the siege role :frowning:

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OP is a troll. Don’t feed them.


Well, the exp globes now 100% mean delete her lol.

No she just need to adapt like any other range hero.

Zagara is strong and the premise of this thread is dumb founded.

Zagara is a weird character. Her power basically rises exponentially depending on the enemy composition, more than most others probably, and likewise it exponentially shrinks if there’s a Chen bullying you around.

The recent changes sort of helped her a bit but these exp globes just make her a much weaker pressence overall.

Could we be specific about which streamers you speak of ?

Bruh her mini-rework was great. Zag real oppressive to fight against.

Not right now though, get a Chen or a good Sonya and she literally won’t soak anything lol. I guess they want her to be played like a Valla?