Corrosive Saliva. overtuned?

800 DPS is extreme overexaggeration.

If all 3 Roaches are focused on the same target, they deal 190 damage per second on Stitches, the biggest, beefiest target in the game. On Murky, they deal slightly under 100 dps.
This is all 3 of them together - So each one deals 33-67 or so DPS on it’s own.
Hunter Killer deals a good bit more damage though - range of 78-107 DPS.

Then Zagara has all of 108 DPS on her own.

So, yes, for 8 seconds, Zagara can dish out roughly 400 damage per second against Stitches in a 1v1. She will deal quite a bit less then that against squisher targets.

There are many heroes who can deal far more damage then that and in a shorter timeframe.

So, if you want to 1v1 Zagara, disengage until the Roaches wander off to the nearest lane, then re-engage

An Artanis with AO can one kill off all her summons really quickly, regardless of if he is getting focused.

its the math, no exaggeration, no hyperbole, just the numbers.
that is what the NPCs do to a default stitches without any other damage required from zagara.
(also its 708 DPS at 16, not to nitpick though!)
if i wanted to exaggerate i could try to estimate how many globes a stitch could
gather up to pre-16 for the masses of bonus health, but i didn’t. :slight_smile:

thats why i said perhaps we should buff up things for zag herself, instead of crutching on NPCs.

The minion has low hp so inseed of letting it attack you why not get rid of it insteed. Its the same with Jainas water elemental. Why does people run away from that insteed of killing it. You run away and the spell just gets more and more value on you.

assuming that you took the lv 1 which makes them tankier
(and why wouldn’t you if you’re going to take the 16)
at lv 16 each of the 3 roaches have 800 health, and the hydralisk has 909.

and the roaches are on a 9 second cooldown,
so by the time you’ve killed all 3 the next 3 will be dropping down in a few seconds, there isn’t a reprieve.
kill them all you like but they’ll just be right back, full health a moment later.

Their gazno changes really missed the mark. I’d argue mei got an unnecessary buff

Why unnecessary? No one was playing her, and her Q talents were useless.

Her popularity was over the 1/number of tanks % value. Anything over around 5% is passable in usage. Her winrate was also the highest of the tanks

Sure, but some picks can just flick away the hydra and if you can consistently deal with her summons, Zagara loses a lot of steam quickly. Her cooldown game isn’t insane and you’ve generally got a fair tell that she’s bringing down an all-in.

Every time I think a %shred talent is overtuned, I run then into a situation where it’s all but needed. If %shred talents are feeling like they’re in a bad place, then I think we need to dial back on situations where they’re such high demand.