I disagree. Not only are these ideas relatively easy to implement, with the notable exception of this one due to the present uncertainty about it (hence the point of discussing/developing it),
one of the key consequences should be making money.
As if it was needed a demonstration of temporary hero availability was just made surrounding Blizzcon. The functionality is already there. Likewise, the treasure chests are an already existing functionality for the coin purses. There are multiple currencies already in existence. Deliver silver along with gold through the coin purses, slap another currency option on the relevant hero screens, and tie temporary unlocking to it. The gold that comes with silver in the coin purses takes care of itself. The “super dynamic” bundle may require a little bit of work but it’s no titanic project.
What you’re missing is that intelligent monetization of the by far most valuable aspect of this game - heroes - can provide the resources you people keep moaning to no end about. Given that the heroes are already made and the trivial effort to improve their availability how you could possibly think these aren’t budget ideas is a mystery.
The abusive chat reporting system has gotten rid of many engaged players, as you yourself have testified with respect to your friends who have succumbed to report accumulation after playing committedly for a while. Passionate players who spend a lot of time on this game are unironically the type of players most likely to spend money on it. Give them reasonable protection and don’t be surprised if the bottom line improves.
At minimum the silence penalty should be reverted to an inability to chat (with an ability to see the chat) without playing restrictions, after a reset of abusive chat penalties. I don’t think the problem here is one of effort and budget, but one of dealing with the Blizzard numbnuts behind the scenes who can’t string together five progressive thoughts to work out how good intentions are insufficient when making these types of decisions. Fortunately we have years demonstrating the failure of these decisions, and wise people can learn from their mistakes and correct them. The reality is happy, well adjusted people don’t carry these games. Target the behavior, not the people unless you can be thoughtful. Blizzard have shown they aren’t terribly thoughtful, hence why this thread exists and the game is in the crapper despite available resources that were probably an envy of the industry.
The map ideas are not essential per se, but they do seem economical. I agree that maps promoting splitting and dynamic decisions while also forcing fighting due to their objectives (Dragon Shire is my favorite map and a very welcome break from all the go-here maps as it lets you think on your feet) improve the replayability of this game and cannot be overlooked, removed, or changed into something else.
The best way to keep the game in maintenance mode is to keep writing that it’s in maintenance mode as a justification for not trying to do anything about it being in maintenance mode.