Congratulations. You have officially removed specialists from the game

Change,for the sake of change is not “adaptation”.

It’s forced. This is all pushed to making teamfights the penultimate viewing experience,behind winning. I’ve been saying for a long time e-sports has been asphyxiating this game,and we’re in the death throes now.

It’s not about the players,it’s about the viewers


thing is, i think a “pushing” type hero is going to be needed even more now with these changes. a cata ever 3rd wave may not sound like much but thats ever 1.5 mins. most obj are ever 2 mins or so. then u spend ~ 2 mins fighting for them, then another 2 mins pushing with it. thats gives a lane about 2-3 mins to push with 2 catas. that should be a decent push if no one clears it, and the fort is easy to take down.


Well, good riddance to them. Tell me, what exactly is a specialist supposed to be? Oh, a pusher? Why were specialists more pushers than literally anyone else that is attacking the tower? Why aren’t some of them assassins when many of them clearly can destroy targets with their abilities? Why aren’t some of them supports when they offer a lot of utility and assistance to their allies?

“Specialist” was a stupid loose term that did nothing to specify what characters in that category did. At least supports, warriors and assassins were clear in the sense they were all meant to offer utility, resilience and damage respectively in their role, even if they were also useful for other things, but when it came to “specialists”, they were all over the place when it came to role.

Also, if they’re no longer gonna be pushing bots, good riddance! In a multiplayer game with 5x5 matches, why should we encourage strategies that have players isolating themselves in a lane pusing until enemy senpai notices them and they just retreat and then go take something else? This is a PvP game, pushing is supposed to happen, but no player should isolate himself doing just that.


Yet isn’t a specialist anymore.

Actually no he can’t, he’s a melee assassin now, almost a tank, his trait is irrelevant.

Not for long, he’ll be a dead hero soon that does nothing.

They are removing the viability of the play-style.

You are assuming that the specialist is a bad player and can’t watch the map looking for ganks. Also, that specialist, if playing correctly, will have taken the fort down.


Makes me wonder.
I noticed a lot of Xul bs since this change.

  • Raise Skeleton (Trait)
  • Skeletal Warrior Health reduced from 240 to 225
  • Skeletal Warrior damage reduced from 23 to 21

Did you people even check what real impact these changes had? Or just go “meh number is smaller has to be dead”?


The reason why his trait is useless is irrelevant, the fact that it’s useless for pushing is what matters.

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Please highlight and point to where I specifically talk about the changes being made for E-sports… What’s more, the devs aren’t just changing things ‘just because’, with each of the complained-about changes, the devs have clearly explained why they are changing them and illustrated how their changes will affect the game. It’s not ‘change for the sake of change’, it’s being done deliberately to improve the experience for all.

I didn’t mention e-sports once. I was talking about the experiences that everyone has playing this game and how the devs have managed to take some things away, but give something else to compensate.

Again, the portion of the community that’s complaining is going to complain about any changes made at all. They have learned their tricks, and now that they are losing those tricks due to changes, the whole game is ruined. If they are going to leave, they were going to do it anyways over something equally as small… but the ones who stay are the ones who are willing to think of something new or to adapt to the changes.


I don’t see what’s the big deal. I can, push, split push, camp and steal camps on heroes like Artanis, Kt, Graymane, Malth etc and like someone already said I could hold a lane, push and camp with some support roles.
None of what i listed are specialist and they do the same thing just fine if not better (barring the now nerfed supps)

Apparently the the specialist role is too complicated and nuanced for most people to play right with them so it looks like the Devs are throwing their hand in the air at the role and just going f*ck it!
That one tag is causing too much drama among the masses Blizz have to do something to lessen some of the frustration to older players and the confusion to newer players.
It won’t solve everything that’s wrong with the game and it’s not going to make the players who already learned bad habit with specs unlearn bad habits but baby steps right?

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Oh right, forgot, draining ammo against enemy that doesnt look at minimap

What? Lol, also btw he’s a bruiser a hell of a lot more than he is an assassin that you claim above. It can be extremely useful for pushing, it delays the death of the minion wave, also if you’re killing a wave under tower it prolongs the time your team can sit under the fort doing damage…

He was constantly drafted and won in the HGC on TotSQ to drain ammo, are you telling me that pro players don’t look at the mini map.

Are you fo’real or is this some way of trolling the forums, spreading nonsense?

Spreading nonsense, obviously.

In 2017 before ammo changes they didnt pick single locust talent AND they didnt pick Abathur on ToSQ even once. What obviously makes sense since ToSQ is the most rotation-heavy map in the game. And small.
Are you really so desperated you have to make stuff up ?


Ppl seriously cry because they can’t passively drain out ammo and push without actually be there? Because the ammo change only made passive push harder, which required literally no skill. Just spam your summons and drain ammo. After it’s done, the fort is nothing but dead. Such wow. Pro skillz.

No xp for forts and keeps? First, not on all maps, ToD remained unaffected for example. Second, getting obj lead to destroying forts and so the obj-winning team got too big of a lead. So they made changes so ppl are still rewarded for destroying them but that reward isn’t “start the snowball effect”. It has more to do with strategy now than with number boosts.

Specialist reworks destroy their fantasy/role? Azmo didn’t lost his role. And getting Q stacks is domimant? It always was. That’s why it’s baseline now.

These changes didn’t remove anything meaningful or good from the game just the specialist tag which was empty from the beginning since a ton of Heroes could do their jobs and they were treated like Assassins by QM rules already.

Pushing was not hard yet too rewarding and Heroes who were “pushers” were useless since everyone can do their job but be useful even in teamfights as well or they were broken at the laning phase.

If these changes removes what specialists did in your eyes and make you think “you no longer have a job”, you were probably a bad specialist player tbh and you enjoyed cheesing with low tier players.


Lolwut? They’ve been talking about the role rework for aaaaages. They’ve also said on multiple occasions that ‘specialist’ was just a catch-all term they used to group heroes that didn’t fit anywhere else, and that they want to do away with the label.

Nothing about this is unexpected or, for that matter, unwanted. We’ve been asking for better role definition, and that’s what we’re getting. They just regrouped heroes to better reflect what they already do.

And as for a sylv rework, like others have said it’s totally welcome. She’s been kinda useless for a while now. And literally every single rework they’ve done in the past few months have vastly improved the hero in terms of how useful, powerful and viable they are. Yes, including Ty. She’s different now sure, but at least she’s a viable pick and seeing play at all levels of the game.


You said congratulations but in the thread it seems like you don’t like the change.


I agree, but let me say this: “Welcome to MOBAS, where devs dont care about the regular non pro players, Where all that matters is the ESPORTs and how fun it is to watch, where mobility and flash take center stage over well balanced fun”.

Look at EVERY single moba and you will see this. LoL, DOTA2, SMITE, HOTS itself, PALADINS. The community may have built them, but do we get the same love in kind? NOPE. We aren’t really important anymore. It happens to every game that goes chasing ESPORTS money at the expense of the none-pro player base (some times erven the pros are thrown under the bus, but not often. They aren’t seen as much higher then everyone else. they just make money for the game. that’s the only real difference from a devs point of view). They are so obsessed with being a sport, that they stop being a game…

This is why Ive always been against the Esports crap. The last time I was in favor of it was way back in Halo 2 and 3. When the games where still games, games you played competitively to show you were the best. The money was just a bonus. Not this amalgamation we have now; where its only about the 1% (pro players) and the money and the views (China and Korea mostly, they are the biggest core viewers of Esports).

This is what happens when you let money corrupt the fun of competition. it stops being about the fun of the game and about the money.


You can make money from a free game. Just L2P.

Oh look… HoH has made another account.
