Cassia went from trash to broken

@OrangeJuice, do you play in NA or EU?

Which still doesn’t really give her as much power as to make an impact.

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Did they rework Valkyrie yet? No? Okay then I can ignore this thread I guess ^.^


You are out of your mind dude, a game breaking bug that gives 2 - 3 times the range is not the reason? Hilarious please enlighten me more.

All your reasons come across with no evidence whatsoever as simply “people being bad” while at the same everything you literally say gets contradicted again and again, please I beg of you, do not discuss things you seem have absolute no clue into it whatsoever.

This is like saying “Imperius Ult spam that one shot forts wasn’t the reason for the power spike of winning all of a sudden, it was simply people being monkeys”.


How would it help you to kill people faster if you can blink further?

When you start attacking someone, then you don’t need those insane blinks to chase them. A normal one is more than enough.

I can believe that it could have made a difference in RARE cases where Tracer was able to get into a fight .5 seconds faster than she could have, but in normal play it wouldn’t matter.

You are just raving at this point. Using any excuse to justify how the character you dislike needs a nerf.
Even going as far as pointing at other characters who got minor nerfs and bug fixes recently and corellating their gradual loss of winrate to those nerfs.

I will repeat again. People HAVE learned to play vs Tracer. That’s a fact that you can observe in almost every tracer game.
People have changed their behavior patterns to exactly what I have been saying in every Tracer thread, and it WORKED. Whereas before they preferred to cry - they actually now focus the full-hp Tracer, prioritizing her over that juicy half-hp Stitches like they used to before.

Tracer takes several seconds to kill a squishy target from 100 to 0, and she has to put herself extremely out of position for it. And that is only if she hit EVERYTHING. If people couldn’t kill or scare her in that time and ignored her or ran away - this was entirely on them. Nerfs that she got did not change that.

Again, this is a FACT.

With Cassia it is a bit harder to give pointed tips, because it really boils down to:

  • Understand that she is top-tier priority. Not an ignorable sidekick anymore.
  • Cc her.
  • Dodge her very much avoidable skillshots and AOE.

You analyze certain characters but still fail to do so? Alright let me spill the beans because you seem so professional in understanding how a bug did “no impact” and it’s all just “everyone L2P”.

It’s really that simple: She can close the gap and escape better while still maintaining blinks.

On top of a different bug that made her melee to literally deal 15% more damage because it applied armor first then damage that’s also getting slide in as people L2P, Tracer whole rework was bugfest nonsense and thus her entire win rate was heavily inflated in the process.

This alone is not just “nothing” this is a literal game breaking bug(s), a soft patch to mobility that was lost in the rework back then with a bug, a literally chaotic and very effective bug that makes her preserve blinks for more usages, it’s simply not “people learned to fight her” it’s the other way around, a bug has been fixed and now she no longer has a considerable massive mobility power spike all of a sudden on top of actually being more alive and maintaining untouchable stacks.

Your inability of understanding this specification is what turns me off so much with frustration that shows to me you have no idea what you specifically talking about and just making it that people L2P, what do you think people all of a sudden ban a hero because they don’t want to fight then next patch she just keeps declining in ban rate because they L2P or the fact a game breaking bug fix is no longer making her a massive threat? Let alone breaking another interaction with Get Stuffed where Heavy Handed being comboed with it no longer increases the Pulse Bomb damage (gosh being a main of this hero is such a pain :joy:) It’s because of these stupid bugs.

As for cassia…

Your way of dismissing everything as an L2P is also just sad, you aren’t going to consider that Cassia’s survivability is over the top hence why she’s literally over performing everywhere??? 58% in all SL games combined? 59% in masters??? This looks to me like Zarya’s first emergency balance patch all over again.


Fun fact (and it’s a fact): That was 59% yesterday, now it’s 64%.

All Ranks Storm League Only:

You keep saying that while ignoring those stats, you aren’t even responding to my last 3 - 4 claims of showing literal proof that you can look up but still throwing out L2P issue in constant rate.

And you are also making things up when the stats are right in front of you.

I don’t care how much about how much damage she deals or take because I very well know how to play her and already addressed this multiple times in many topics and even made a fully fledged guide, 100 times better than what you are throwing around about her especially in the other topics you’ve discussed about Tracer.

Because I even wasn’t being specifically biased over my main when she was the spotlight nor was considerably denying that she’s “overtuned” much as you two are doing right now.

And placing issue discussion as people wanting heroes to be butchered is also very unhealthy way of discussion, you do not want to literally discuss it you are just simply throwing claims that makes no sense with what we have in literally 2 weeks of crap ton of games played making her top of the 3 most played in this match in masters alone, you know the same rank I literally play all the time?

I despise people who want heroes to be nerfed because biases but I also hate those who live in this weird bubble as everyone else keep showing actual proof of stats on top of those who just simply want to nerf the hero because “anti fun” or any of this nonsense.


Marginally better which will not be enough to meaningfully affect the outcome in 99% of games she is played.

Yes I agree it’s obviously a benefit. But by far it is not a major one.

Also 2-3 times longer is a vast overstatement - it was 20-50% longer at best. Which is still good, still a bug, but not a huge deal.

And yet somehow I was managing to counter her every time I wasn’t playing as her.
And the only reason I played as her was because I hated my teammates who gave her free kills.
She was fine.
And the nerfs didn’t hurt her much. People learning to use their brains did.

Weird how she keeps dying vs me…

Anecdotal evidence =/= fact, open an article on fallacies or whatever, when the same talent Untouchable was 57% win rate and then went down to 51% is not because people learned to play against her is because a talent was bug fixed to the point it’s effectiveness shred, at the same time without those games where the bug was chosen she had a 49% win rate, seriously go do the maths and research yourself, I’ve discussed about Tracer a ton over the rework while you keep shoving your anecdotal nonsense and still get proven wrong again and again.

You playing against bad Cassias in whatever low tier rank you are stuck in doesn’t mean she’s not over performing in your rank nor in other ranks that are far higher than you.

Seriously you just keep repeating yourself with that Anecdotal nonsense as if it’s a fact, oh my god.

  1. I literally just went to your profile and posted what’s there. It’s called using evidence. If you took that as an attack it’s only because you are insecure about your rank and your winrate. And since you only corrected the winrate, it’s safe to assume you are indeed gold rank.
  2. you have no idea what schizophrenia is, in fact, you don’t understand half the words you quoted, or you wouldn’t have said that. I could give you a whole class on schizophrenia… and other mental disorders, but why bother?
  3. turns out, who would have thought, I’m an actual psychologist IRL (literally getting my private practice accredited by CARF this coming week). I didn’t even want to address your nonsense but you kept pressing on it. For future reference, don’t talk about what you don’t understand on the internet, you never know who you might be talking to.
  4. Watch Cassia get nerffed within the next 3 weeks. It’s only a matter of time.
  5. the point of these kind of posts is to help fine tune the nerfs so she doesn’t get trashed again. I’d like her to stay viable, just not broken OP.
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Friend, Cassia does need nerf, not for nothing does she have like 65% Winrate.


People say the same about EVERY strong new release.
Sometimes they even keep saying it when the hero is objectively hard to play bad in the hands of most, but they can’t deal with specific mechanics (Samuro thread nearby).

As a person who never plays Cassia, but frequently plays against her - I really don’t see what the fuss is about. She’s fine.

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You’re talking about a hero that has been released 4 years ago and hasn’t changed her core mechanic much.

Don’t kid yourself.


Yet this is exactly what happened after rewprk. I would dash into the backline, my target would start to flee away from their teammates, while they would ignore me almost completely and throw all their spells into the rest of my teammates.
I would kill my target and switch to the next one, and the same stuff would repeat.

I would take 3-4 kills in a fight barely sustaining ANY damage because people preferred to try run away than fight.

I’m not kidding myself, I’m telling how it is.

Just today I once again saw al ally RAYNOR run away full speed from tracer with full HP as soon as she attacked him. It STILLL happens, but it happens WAY less than 2 weeks ago.

The problem here is that yeah, Tracer is an old hero. But she was so tricky to play as previously that she was rarely played in low to mid elo. She fed a lot because after taking any damage she needed either a healer or to back, and people didn’t like doing that.
With the recent rework, she became popular again, but people were not used to dealing with her by this point.

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I don’t care about your QM anecdotes and small sample size.

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that’s not even comparative.

Let’s say you’ve had 30 games against Cassia (and that’s a lot)… there are 9500 Cassia games since the last patch.

30 is not representative of the total; it’s not even a 1%.

Xul has been reworked since March.
By this day, he’s been one of the best hero.
It’s been 3 months now. You’d think people would just learn how to play against him?
It’s not it. He’s clearly too buffed.
Same will go for Cassia’s win rate trend.



Honestly not worth your soul arguing I already had my share and they just sound have no idea about her state.

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OH, you definitively could…

We agree on something! YAY!. However, only the spamable SoL can be a problem, which I agree. Other than that, she doesn’t really need any other nerf, she has 0 means of escape, exploit that against her.

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Aax is a Blizzard apologist. If you ask him, any probably with the game, ever, is the players’ faults and not the devs.

He was arguing Cassia was balanced right after the rework. Now he’s arguing she’s still balanced after her winrate shot up 15%+. He does not care about reality at all, though you have to grant that he is pretty consistent in his fanboying for Blizzard.