Can we reduce the nr of aba in a QM

Abathur in QM is good due to how its system works.

You can’t have proper fun in QM solo queuing with more than half the hero base… if you choose tychus and drops in a game against Alarak/KTZ/Zeratul/Azmodan/Murky you’re in for a bad time. Could be 10 or 20 min of pure smackdown.

QM is plagued with stealthies and ultra mobile heroes specialized in killing squishies + running and engage+kill… lots of players don’t even care about winning, in fact, killing enemy players is “winning” for them.

In this regard, Aba is wonderful. You skip all that drama. Aba works in every game.

ming is similar to aba. she has 2 good bulds for qm for any situation (step ming/ orb build)
i prefer step ming but against some comps it s not advisable to get touchy

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You didn’t really argue against my points though. So why should I argue about yours?

Your comparison to Medivh is ridiculous.

Your argument that “Aba exp gathering doesn’t work against people who knows how aba works” → irrelevant and nonsensical.
Yes you can target down the one that has a hat, but that wont stop the globes already there from being gathered. If they clear all the minions, the enemy minions will walk into tower range where you can gather the exp.
Besides, an Aba isn’t meant to be solo against an enemy hero on a lane. Abathur is not meant to be able to stop an enemy from pushing or push against an enemy hero, unless he’s against some terrible bronzelord.

And how is the value Aba provides much less if he is sitting in Fountain in comparison?

The only difference between one who is going farther out vs one staying back is:

  • Locusts can’t get far. The locust which are very weak and has a short lifespan anyway, so a pointless concern unless you’re locust build.
  • Toxic Nests range limit. It’s not difficult to move out far enough that you can place mines on most of the map without them finding you. And you can still place mines on a good portion of your side of the map from the Hall of the Storms.

Neither of these two are big impact or a big problem.

It seems you don’t even understand your own main hero, lol.


Delete Abs, most ugly hero.

slippery slope fallacy is not an argument against what should have happened long ago.

I’m even fine with a compromise, allowing him to hat ppl in altar with a significantly reduced hat range to just the core area, that way he can still do what ranged heroes can with core defense from altar.

But he should not be allowed to global hat folks from altar. The end.


Look at the recent patch note under gazlowe
Should games be balanced around master?

He doesnt has a global collect. And global power
Medivh is always low in terms of WR and is bad with waveclear. He cannot switch from top to bot lane in 5s
And is a lot less in healing then aba
Medivh is a hero who is better in draft then quick match. Preferably in a group
Aba thrives better in non groups vs non groups because you lack rotation. Teamwork and coordination

Exp changes ruined this. It used to be profitable to hide in an bush during objectives for a good soak. Now why should you leave the gate? Locust build isnt great pre 13

I like aba especially with the mecha skin. He doesnt need to be deleted. Just reduced

Get over it grandma, Abby is easily countered. If he spends all his time in spawn he’s losing value. Push a lane early get a easy advantage to a passive Abs player.

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Please read before commenting

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Say something of substance to elicit my comment. A passive Abathur player is easily countered in QM, just push his lane then he is redundant. Ya, of of course he can also be strong, but this is for every hero.

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This can be turned right back at you.

You’re just sprouting nonsense and ignoring arguments and facts so you can go “He is easily countered because I said so!”

What even is a “passive” aba player?

And most abas don’t care about “their lane” so you clearly don’t understand Abathur or this thread.

You and Yawgmoth are quite a fitting team; both cluelessly ignorant about Abathur.


[Can we reduce the nr of aba in a QM]

But how? They’d have to stop people from playing him

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Which would be bad, because Aba is one of the most popular heroes in the game. We already saw what can happen, when reworks can change heroes to much (see Tass ↔ Sadius).

But more relevant question how would you want to change Aba to be him more interactive? What would you think about my idea to weaken/strengthen his ‘hat power’, locusts, etc depending on his range to his allies/lanes? That would mean, if an Aba would just sit in the spawn his global presence would be weaker, but if he would be near them it would be as it is right now. Would that be fine? At least it would force Aba players to not sit in the spawn and maybe made his locusts more useful, if they gain sth. by his presence…

Which is understandable, because Aba is the most unique hero for this genre. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Aba fanbase is just huge compared to Vikings/Zarya or Medivh cause of how his kit is. You can’t stop them from playing him.

a way to get him less in QM might be to allow him in ARAM. That’s the main reason I play QM anymore is because I’d sort of like to play abathur and there is no way of doing that in ARAM. So I queue with aba to get it out of my system (or, occasionally, for leveling a specific hero).

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I think it’s mostly because they’re safe. And becasue they don’t do any direct action, they can blame teamates for anything that goes wrong. (And fool themselves into thinking they’re good)

I think they need to either give Aba a very strong incentive to move closer to the action, or regularly force him to do so.

That is easy. Remove exp globes and make body-soaking a thing again and buff his locust so his trait does not fell trash as it is now.

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instead of changing xp globes, perhaps if the level 1 talent also extended all locusts life by one second for each minion that dies next to abathur? i dunno…

If they revert xp globes, ppl will go back to ignoring soak even more.

Dont people already ignore soaking even with globes ?


It used to be worse.