Can we have old Tyrande back now, please?

Here’s the thing: they wanted to make her a dedicated healer. They did just that. However, the other healers are STILL better! Uther is better! Morales is better! Auriel is better. Hell, even LI LI is better! So they took away what made her fun, put back something that made her slightly more functional, but not enough to make a difference vs other supps.

Lmfao. The thing is: old Tyrande actually took more skill. Then you had to be able to land owls/Es. Now just spam Q. The only thing Owl is even remotely useful for is scouting. E is still useful, but it’s nowhere near as impactful as before when you can’t scale its damage or use it to guarantee a damage scaled Owl.
Your argument is what is known as “ad hominem.” You couldn’t find any legitimate arguments against him, so you called him a noob.

It wasn’t a terrible build. It was just hard to use. The problem was everyone thought they were just hot [expletive] and were going to 360 no scope mlg wipe the enemy team… and then proceeded to fail miserably. The build was fine, they players were the issue here. By that rationale Genji and Kel’thuzad should be removed because when they’re on your team, your at a disadvantage.

Another possibility: Bring back her old version, but buff her damage and make her role an assassin. Her current version is a horrible representation of the character. In WC3 she didn’t even heal at all.
And let’s face it, lorefriendlyness is far more important than balance in this game, anyway.

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Infinite stack quests are not skillful. Especially W which got easier to stack the more stacks you had.
There was no cdr on AA for Q so it was less skillful. No need to AA, wadn’t a must have to be able to position. Bad and good Tyrandes had the same amount of Q.
Late game she basically had infinite mana so not even mana-management.
She wasn’t used and was considered a bad pick which you can falsely interpret as “more skillful” because “i had success with her so she was good just ppl were bad” but her playstyle and kit were more forgiving and less hard to get value from it.
But maybe I’m wrong, you can tell me why old Tyrande was “more” skillful.

My points are that old Tyrande:

  • had infinite mana at late game
  • infinite stacks take no skill (and W was easier to stack -thanks to the pierce- the more stacks you had)
  • didn’t need to AA for heals (which takes skill)
  • some of her talents were the same as now just stronger
  • had more dmg so she was safer
  • she was ignored by high lvl

I’m waiting you proving me wrong.

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Haha, wait what, took more skill? Sorry, he’s right. The only people complaining about current Tyrandes, are people who went owl. AKA, the players who didn’t know how to weave in AAs or knew how to heal, and just stood from super safety throwing a straight line infinite range skill shot that pierced. Don’t embarrass yourself.

To be a good Tyrande, you always had to land your skills period. Her healing just isn’t good enough by itself if you don’t do that and also get in AAs.

Exactly. Useless owl spam players who thought it was fun get top damage with zero healing or team play. They just want another assassin. She was much more than an owl bot then but nobody played her for her team utility.

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‘lore friendlyness’ would be more a point to argue why tyrande is a healer than not. She is literally the high priestess of her religion that is very much empowered by an actual ‘deity’ via Elune. Warcraft priests are healers; tyrande is a priest, therefore capable of ‘healing’. The effect of this ‘lore’ can be seen in how nightelves can be priests in World of Warcraft, but they do no worship the light – this was more pronounced in vanilla wow where each race had particular abilities meant to represent the variation of religion (or source of power) to the various priests.

While the potm hero representative in warcraft 3 didn’t have a direct heal, that could be argued to be for ‘balance’ as the nightelf army didn’t have a hero unit with inherent healing abilities (unlike the other races) but are instead given early access to unit healing via the farm structure, moonwells. This might come as a surprise but ‘moonwells’ are a combination of ‘moon’ and ‘well’ and are an example of the power of the moon Goddess Elune to heal and purify those that use them (btw, moonwells recover their power at night. hint, hint)

While tyrande tends to be mostly associated with archery and damaging spells, class-wise, she’d be closer in effect to a night-based Paladin that combined martial skill with divine power. Per your warcraft 3 argument, how many hero representatives from that game actually stick to that skill set? Cuz in case you didn’t notice, there’s quite a bit of variation from that sort despite having heroes that do reference the game for part of their HoTS hero kit.

But well, it seems you aren’t too keen on actually being informed of ‘lore’ or consistency, when it comes to making the same of tired argument of trying to regulated a priest-character into being just another bow-archer – of which, there are tons of other character to literally fill that trope in place of tyrande.

Wrong. I went whatever was necessary, which was usually heal; i can not even remember if i had Owl build even once.

Her new incarnation needs to go completely.

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She has even more utility now and can actually solo heal really well. She is played more now than ever, with a healthy winrate to boot.

Wave clear was never a thing for her, so she missing the assassin level damage and AA speed bursts from being able to stealth every 30s she use to have from the previous rework, but she couldnt solo heal a team.

I liked that tyrande, but i also liked her before that, when she had shrink and fire arrows, healing totem etc… She is way btter now for being under the support roll.


Simply untrue. Skillshots require skill to land. If a quest requires the landing of skillshots to progress, then the quest requires skill. Her quests required her to land skillshots, so they required skill.

Plenty of quests get easier the further you advance with them. Butchers quest stops losing stacks when you hit 200. Zarya’s grenade quest lowers the cooldown, meaning you can shoot them more to stack faster. This is also true of any quest which offers a cooldown reduction or radius/range increase of the skillshot to be landed before the quest is completed.

Plenty of heroes don’t have mana issues late game. Additionally, mana management is not a difficult skill anyway. There are easier things, but even simple positioning is easier than mana management.

Having more damage does not render a hero safe. Mages are the prime example of this. They have significant damage but die easily. Range of damage makes a hero safer, and admittedly, she did have a large range, however it was unlikely to secure a kill without putting herself in harms way, as even a highly stacked owl was unlikely to earn a kill except against low health targets.

This means that she needed to be buffed, not reworked.

Naughty necro Xul. :upside_down_face:


That was a good memory.

  1. Nice necro dude.
  1. No, it is true. Usually skillshots are skillful. But Owl was fast moving, with infinite range, still shootable from melee and pierced. Getting Owl stacks was not skillful. Getting a lot quick was a bit, but getting stacks in general not.
    It was like getting meat as Butch after the first 200.

It had a cap not talking about every quest is harder than Owl stacking was.

And plenty still has.
This alone is not a point tho, so picking it out of context is nitpicking.
It was part of the bigger picture. The point is that old Tyrande needed less skill and a (small) part of it was her infinite mana.

You are right that it’s not always true. But having more and more dmg on a global skillshot is pretty safe tho :stuck_out_tongue:

If a Hero is weak at high lvl but stomps low leagues that Hero doesn’t need buffs, but a rework.
Just look at Tyrande now. One of the best healers in the game rn.


It would be nice to get an interesting character back instead of the boring healbot she is now.

A trait build! An E build! Heck even an Owl build! Utility! But i guess she is bound to be a boring healbot without utility, flair or anything else of worth for a while.


It would be nice if you stop spamming your only one stupid argument. Especially because you personally confirmed that you haven’t touched her for more than 6 months. I wrote you my arguments in the other thread, you ignored them completely and just you keep spamming “she is just healbot”…

I can voice my oppinion on these forums as a like as long as i formulate it wihtin the CoC. If you can not handle it, you are free to leave these forums.

You also never made any arguments or in any way tried to counter those made by me. I will now terminate any further dialogue as i do no converse with trolls.

I like her rework and I think she is a very competent healer now, but I admit I had much more fun playing her before.
She used to be an amazing duelist and was able to output a surprisingly amount damage. I loved out-stalking a nova or a zeratul it was literally a “hunter becomes prey game”.

you’re pretty much confirming their concerns of your “argument” manifest there

Why not all of it at the same time?

Thats why she is broken.