Can’t leave silver 4, but I’m platinum 4

My issue is that players take it so seriously that my suggestion that the game is making OP cross beyond reason that he’s launched into full ad hominem, which is usually the graveyard of arguments, when it becomes a bunch of monkeys flinging poop.

Even if Blizz wanted to take HotS seriously anymore-- and I’m seeing no evidence of that anywhere despite the iron being hottest for striking these past two months and this past year overall-- I don’t think this environment on the forums is what they want to come take seriously.

I just can’t imagine seeing Pepeboy talking about other dudes’ privates on the forums and thinking, “This is the community I want to invest my time, effort and passion into.” Even beyond him, the general sense of entitlement and puerile argumentativeness (not a word?) that’s begun to pervade the forums just… it’s gotta look absolutely abysmal on the creator side.

But Pepe might be onto something, I may just be pulling up lint and calling it thread on a seam.

Aha is funny. Well done, take the candy from the shelf.

When Blizzard in 18, deprived of their jobs thousands of people, players, workers in the field - is that funny, too, in your opinion? Well, yes, probably your arguments here will be like “then the seriousness ended”, right? aha you are such a funny person.

Why can’t I take this game seriously now? Maybe people still want to play and win in it, have you thought about it ha?

Well, I’m certainly not excusing his tantrum on the forums, but I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t understand where the frustration comes from. It’s one reason I don’t do much competitive stuff in HotS anymore. There are objective issues with that section of the game, and no solutions on the horizon.

As for the forums, I will admit that they have gotten steadily worse over the past 16 months or so. They use to be much nicer than the WoW forums, but a lot of the angst from there seems to have drifted over. Admittedly, I just got done “discussing” thing with a person over on another thread… until I realized that it wasn’t personal, and that he was actually incapable of understanding the coversation.


Live and learn, I guess.

Edit: Looks like we found another one:

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And tell me why do we have to play 3-4 games, suffer losses and end up? Why not just fix everything that players have been asking for for 5 years now?

Nope. That wasn’t me. I’ve never been working on that trash.

You’re the guy who’s like “BET ME I CAN’T DRINK THIS SECOND 24 PACK OF BEER GUYS, DARE ME TO DRINK IT GUYS, I BET YOU I’D GET SOOOOO DRUNK” and we’re all like “dude, normal humans don’t do this, it’s okay to stop.”

You bashed eight losses and blamed Blizzard for it and have started to namecall anyone who disagrees with you.

Doesn’t this… I dunno, seem maybe like you just tilted? Nobody’s saying you’re crap, we’re just suggesting maybe loss streaks are better broken by some time away from the game, rather than by… more losses.

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This. Unless you are at least dia, forget about a fast ranking up out of silver.

A plat may grind silver and barely get 51% wr.

Nice. Then nobody of newbies can’t even stay in silver. For the loong time path we finally achieved this. NICUUUU, aha, ye? “ROFL”

How do complain about Smurfing while amplifying such problem by making a smurf?


But… Correct me if I’m wrong, right?

You’re complaining about high rank smurfs, but… You’re smurfing as well. Aren’t you part of the problem?
Edit: Just noticed someone already said this oops


I haven’t created a smurf - 3 years since I played hots.

I just created my first not long ago, try to understand. And I did not understand what the joke was. But I understood something else. The bottom is even worse. And I thought it was my bottom.

As a result, this barge completely rotted.

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No - the thing is, “climbing” and “playing” are two different things. You play differently.

To climb, you have to do “abusive/exploity” type of things that don’t actually work at where you’re trying to climb to. Once you get there, you’ll want to actually play the game for real, because your team will need a functioning player slot, and not some gimmicker.

A high-rated player can be VERY GOOD at their rank, but NOT that great at the “climbing” metagame of playing in a gimmicky way.

The only thing to note is that sometimes these “gimmicky” climbing playstyles simply invoke basic parts of the game that lower rankings don’t really get, like something as simple as doing camps, lol. Which might then branch off into a super-focused split push strategy, and watch as the dumb Silvers hobble along with slow reaction times and being 10 steps behind you, and you win simply because you’re causing their brain to lag out and disconnect.

That won’t work at the higher rankings. But it’s a climb strategy.

Because climbing is not playing the game. It’s different. It’s climbing.

If you never touched diamond (playing with one doesn’t count mind you), it’s not surprising you find it a struggle to climb?

I got out from silver to gold with 90% win rate, if you know what you are doing then you can climb with ease.

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Please answer this then:

How do you think people climb?

Fill the words:

By _______ the ____!


Ye, cause u use the abuse. With all ur Hots friends, right? Can u asked haw can a simple single player achieve more, then 4 silver?

Unfortunately for you, I did not during silver to Diamond 5, by that point I could actually play with friends who’ve started playing storm league years ago.

You can go on and on about abuse but if you can’t get out of silver solo then idk what to tell you, there’s a lot of problems with silver and gold that can be solved by actually playing offlaner or healer and that’s what I did.

Oh and unlike you, I don’t have a smurf :wink:






At this point, you’re not even trying to use words anymore.

Please… tell us more.

…the power … of Greyskull?

No, that’s doesn’t work…

Come back to me.


By abusing the gimmick!

You probably didn’t read my post.

And you going from Silver to Gold is neither a sweet brag, nor a point towards your case. That’s just one single win streak, lmao. “90% win rate,” Ok, what was it, 18 wins 2 losses? Yeah, that’s just a win streak.

You mean like playing another game?

I’m getting Guilty Gear Strive soon.