Butcher is beyond broken

So my own personal issues & feelings on Butcher…

Early game, he should be a MENACE.
Just like in original Diablo 1, when you hear that blood chilling, “AHHHHH…FRESH MEAT!” You should dump a load in your adult diapers, and go running for your Mommy/Healer/Tank/entire team. He’s a HUNGRY Butcher - he wants your MEAT! He’s like Hackin’ Pete from that other game franchise, and he’s gonna chop you all up!

But then, mid-late game, he IMHO, does get -way- too powerful. He as OP said, can just press E, and nearly insta-delete anyone. Not saying there is zero counterplay to him, however due to the nature of HotS itself, very few times will you be able to pick talents, etc to counter that (since no item buys, can’t just stack armor, etc.) So what do you do to counter him?

You can try and rely on your team, to always be with you, to focus him down, stun & CC him, etc etc. Though as any of us who have played games past the tutorial know, this isn’t really a viable strategy. I think at this point, it’s gonna come down to, does the majority of the HotS community think he’s OP, and needs a tone down, or are too many players simply lazy/uneducated, that they need to focus him early, to keep him from stacking meat? (I feel the latter may be the case.)

I know that when I play as him, I HATE early game. Butcher feels really squishy for a melee champ, and easily focused down. Perhaps give him a trade-off? Reduce the effect of the max stacks of meat (btw I HATE any mechanic that is “lost on death” and I usually avoid these champs/talents like a Plague Inc level plague…) and maybe give him some extra early game survivability or farm, to help offset the difficulty of getting the initial meat stacks.

I stopped here. Butcher is squishy as hell and even the softest CC neuters him.

I would say, half the Hero Roster is able to delete the butcher. You just have to know how to engage him.

Ye but when qm is 5v5 dps team like 60% of the time people will complain about it.

Start playing tank and see how easy he is to shut down and you will see butcher is not op at all.


Can’t believe he is still not nerfed.

Butcher is Valeera’s son.

Its hard to take someone like you serious when your whole post history is all about how broken all those balanced heroes is. Come back when you got someone better to tell about.

You tell me? D: Frogsarooooon :broken_heart:

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\o/ RISE! \o/


Hate butcher? Like necroing threads? Maybe it’s time to give xul a try!


how the heck did this thread get necro’d?
Anyways, I do think Butcher could use a rework; he’s fun for QM, but he’s very one dimensional, and feels very binary: Deny him his meat and force Objective fights, and your team is going to be at a clear advantage. On the other hand, if he gets over 200 quickly, it swings the other way.

Lets compare him to another characters who function on stacks, like naz. Naz benefits from stacks, but has much less weaknesses early game, and can STILL feel like a snowball late game.
Maybe they could make his scaling from meat less powerful? Like his big benefit from hitting 200 stacks is just that he no longer loses meat, rather than that he gets a big bonus to his stacks? (So the scaling is purely from just the stacks of meat, not the bonus at 200)

That being said, I think he’d benefit from reworking some other skillshot type component to his kit as well, since 2 of his skills are point and click.