Butcher is beyond broken

Just as butcher enables good follow up for his team, he also enables good follow up on enemy because both butcher and his target have their position telegraphed to both teams.

Butch only feasts on bad players. Good players will keep him starved and cold. With so much cc in the game, I can’t believe someone would take this thread seriously.

Pro tip: If you find yourself next to butch and you see big flashy red X on your hero, don’t stay near butcher untill it expires, it’s where most of his sustain comes from. Even if chained, try to deny him couple of autoattacks by staying on the edge of of circle, going left and right but try not to bounce back.

So why are we responding to a known troll?


Butcher is Abby’s monstrosity in hero form. Let it farm, and it becomes unbeatable. Kill it early, and it is never felt.

They just buff/nerfed monstrosity to reduce the variance. Maybe they should do the same with butch. Stronger early, less reward for meat.

Wow, Secant and Holo making rage posts about The Butcher. Anyone else getting the warm fuzzies? I’m feeling a little nostalgic right now.

Also, HailFail making fun of them is just :kissing_heart:


This part is wonderful to see! :smiley:

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I don’t have anything against either. They are both my good friends

Don’t feed the trolls, please.

Umm, Butcher is a demon, not a troll… :nerd_face:


Blind is a meme counter anyway.
You wanna counter butcher? Get displacement.

Use maw on butcher when hes in about half way to struck you, should work.

Right side on the bottom has a minimap.

When he has not shown to be somewhere far away from you position and you are alone and overextended, RUN.

Same applies to Zeratul, Genji and some other assassins.

Gotta love those poor ‘master skill’ players stuck in bronze or silver. :smiley:


Wrath of The Besetker Sonya will beat him in all scenarios unless Butcher manages to chain her with ult. Then she might be in trouble.

Well as a grand master zagara i have had no issues with the butcher. I find all of your claims to be false and since i outrank you this is the final word.



Secant and Nerfthis are just troll alts of Hailfail.


I could kill him before he could do anything as Nova, post level 20, before the stealth nerf. Not sure if that is still possible tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would I play draft in a MOBA​:thinking::thinking::thinking:

This right here is what’s wrong with HOTS and why heros get random unnecessary nerfs.

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Stacked Butcher destroy her if she don’t have hardened shield (Devs transformed him in to snowball machine after rework, i prefer old Butcher and old Sonya, they was more interesting duels than now).


He’s only OP if you LET HIM become OP. Just dont let him get his stacks and blind him. GG NO RE