Brightwing is the most underrated healer

Anyway, I would say Stukov is the most underrated healer at the moment. He is good when played by people not very familiar with his kit, and godlike in good hands. I would much rather face a pro Brightwing than a good Stukov. For me, the unreliability in BW’s kit isn’t her burst heal potential, but the fact that you have less control over where her trait heals go, rather like Li Li. I want to make sure that the small heal goes to the Valla for whom it would make a big difference, than the Diablo who will barely notice it.

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Ok bummer

Yes that’s the definition of C-Tier

Morales can be amazing–against sustained damage where she isn’t getting dived. Brightwing is great if you are,

case in point, situational =/= good.


Yesss someone figured it out don’t draft Cho’Gall with carry enablers, just bully the enemy team with laners and survival based characters–a good Cho can survive forever with minimal healing IMO

Good thing to know that you are the type to accuse someone of “hammering on the salt” while saying that the one opposite to me was doing the complete opposite, but you can’t even show me where either of these things happened.

Good to know that you’re this shallow and well… I’m not really sure how to put it. Why would you come here and make accusations you can’t back up?

Because you keep showing how great bw is trough brawls.

I said you did good. I replied to your things. You said I dont listen while you keep repeating on the same thing.
I get it enough is enough. But you keep on going and going… know your chill dude

I did this one time in one post. Because I conveniently had those 3 videos right next to eachother available to me.

The other was a joke. That wasn’t even me. I was Tyrael.

And I have to repeat things when I’m dealing with daft people like you, obviously.

And for your information, I’m quite chill. I am unsure where I appear unchill compared to you two coming at me with false accusations and calling me salty.

If nothing else BW is great with friends you know are super aggressive and likes to chase and hard dive the enemy. I have this one guy (who I hate healing for) who loves to just be falls deep on the enemy side of the map doing…thing, so I started playing BW with him and now we have good times!

He gets in over his head and I can zip to him and we kill or run away to live and see another day!

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I love BW.
However. How-ever…

I wouldn’t ever draft her into pugs. She requires setup and communication, players who understand her cadence. Who understand why positioning for warps can be important, people who understand what it means when I’m about to top up a flat % of their health bar.

They made a pug healer, his name is Anduin. He has a button that unmakes bad plays. Brightwing demands far more setup and coordination than most pugs allow for.

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As far as I am concerned, the most underrated healer is a friendly player in a quick match :heart:

I thought grubby said that Brightwing is a very good choice when playing with Cho and Gall

Edit: sorry I broke the 69 post number

BW is exceptional and getting picked more because of it

at least you said sorry about your whoopsie

I fine that Brightwing is one of the most players of any Healer heroes but recently has surpassed by Anduin which being most trusted Healer heroes anywhere. EDIT : some roles has been changed.

in Heroes Profile website Alexstrasza is now underrated Healer hero I just answer that wouldn’t find to any cost for it I want for any chance for balance changes.

I love BW, my most played hero and the one I know best.

I can rarely play her anymore. Her healing is too unreliable, it’s easier to force a healing on the objective you want with Li Li than it is with BW and you get less healing overall, and her Z has too long a delay. A smart BW will time it but the problem is that you need a good BW for that, while a mediocre Anduin or Uther can do the same, instantly, without putting themselves at risk and maybe better depending on the tools they use.

I love her Poly but the rework made it weaker, her lvl 1 talent compensated for it but then they changed it and made it clunky. The spell armor is great, but again, it used to be 50 baseline, now it’s barely better than Uther’s trait but it’s delayed and only spell armor, she could give 50 flat armor, that was huge.

Her rework was made too Q-centric but the Q in itself didn’t get more reliable, they sped up the missile a bit but that’s it; it’s still too hard to hit in the center without some kind of CC (some people are very good at it, I know, but if you require an incredible BW to make it work, it’s fair to say it’s unreliable), and Poly slow isn’t that great. She’s also one of the few healers with no real cleanse, she has her soft cleanse but that is delayed, does not grant unstoppable and has too long a CD for it’s worth. And now that everyone has a medallion it’s just worse.

Despite all that I don’t think she’s horrible or anything. She’s fine. She has her niche and shines there. I guess she’s also more of a generalist, she has a bit of everything so of course can’t be great at many of those things. She still has more CC than many tanks, which is huge. She’s an anti-dive monster while being an incredible addition to any dive composition, and a coordinated team can get way more out of a BW than out of many other healers. BW also fits virtually any composition (with variance on her performance, but she isn’t really horrible in any I think), so long as your team works around you, which makes her good for, again, coordinated teams.

I wouldn’t dislike some changes tho. Not a full on rework, I don’t think that’s necessary, but some QoL changes, some number buffs and two or three talent changes.

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Grubby specifically said his Tier 3 doesn’t mean the hero is bad, just that the whole team has to understand them well for them to be effective.

Brightwing is strong but overshadowed by top healers. Poly is awesome. Her Global is useful, especially its heal. Her overall healing numbers are great but padded, and less relevant to EXCLUSIVELY teamfight damage. However, prior to 10, her ability to deal with burst damage at an important fight is lacking. I find that people punish her hyper shift quite often, and Hypershift loses Greater Poly.
Characters like Ana just do it all and so much more. Deckard and Anduin are strong as well.
I tend to consider her in double support or anti-dive situations.
You should pick your support depending on:

  1. Strong meta characters.
  2. Your team composition
  3. Their team composition (dive, and hero interactions)
  4. The type of damage they are (Are they bursty, aa, ap?)
  5. Map

Brightwing can be great, the only issue I see about her is how to get healed as a tank. Backline pouncing tank, sure. Muradin, sure. Rest? Hm.

The shield/stealth talents on Z are great for these scenarios. Another reason why BW is so good is not just her Global’s but you can spec to comp.

The silences and sheep are just cruel in the hands of a good player.

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A hero can’t be considered to be good because he/she is good in some situations. Talents are there so the game can reward the players good talents choice to adaptate to diferent situations. If the support hero can’t support the team in some situation, it have to be fixed.

And if the hero demands an awsome team coordination, it’s wrong too, because other heroes can do the same without much effort like that.