Bots are too dumb in this game

If you have a bot in your team, your match is lost. 9 of 10 times easily. Last ARAM match: Morales left after 2 minutes. 13 minutes with bot and we lost of course. This Morales was completely useless.

Bots are just too stupid:

  • That they don’t act on themselves but need to be clicked is contra productive. If you frontline and pick a backline bot, he constantly runs into the enemy for example. If you are a backliner though and ping a tank that he does not open up and engages
  • Bots don’t dodge anything. They die all the time because they just run into every hit and stand in every AOE
  • Bots pick the weirdest talents. Morales bot last ARAM match picked Medivac! In a team with melee AA heroes!

Having a bot in your team is not a 4vs5 but a 4vs6. The bot just feeds the enemy so much XP that it is playing basically for the enemy team.

And I still don’t know why the dumbest change that ever was put into the game, is still in this game: Why the heck do you need to ping a bot and why on earth does the bot run back to the spawn area as soon as someone drops??? Whoever thought this was a good idea obviously never played this game. You are in the middle of the fight, your team mate drops, and he runs back to spawn unless you click the bot. WTF???

Bots were completely fine in the beginning. Then Blizzard made them dumber and dumber and then even dumber. And then they added the ping mechanic. And that’s when the bots finally became completely useless.

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I agree with your last part, in fact the original AI was good enough to fill for a HGC pro and make game changing plays when a player disconnected and no pauses were left:

Then it gradually got worse with each patch, they hired a biology major to work on it in 2020, then funding for the game stopped and the feature just got abandoned.

Now the AI is in a much worse state than 7-8 years ago and nothing will be done about it as the game is no longer actively developed :thinking:

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Some people just dont care anymore. Punishment does not hit fast enough. It should not take 6 years to send out an e-mail about someone you reported 6 years ago finally got banned. Abuse chat is the only way now that is fast enough to get trolls banned if you are lucky they start flaming or spam ping.

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I recently lost a solo QM game in which (as I later realized, watching the replay) the enemy Deckard dropped and was absent for almost 7 minutes before re-connecting. During that time we got crushed. The Deckard player came back to a stomp-in-progress. And no, it wasn’t a stack. Bots are bad but people are still worse.

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