Blizzard's MM is bad and is not going to keep new players

What your describing is outliers. Smurfs destroy the MM rules. IMO fixing that would fix a lot. In this example the MM is seeing Fan (The best) as a worst (-50). But even then Fan loses a lot of matches through a B2GM play through, which suggests the worst player does effect his games more than you realise. Last play though I watched he was hardstuck.

Personally I actually like the shared XP more than the LOL way but it would definately be interesting to know what the game would have been like had this been implimented.

I believe what they are describing is the “feels”. You probably won’t notice that smurf that manages to soak an extra 2 lanes of xp while still making it to the team fight but you will notice the B5 that runs in like Leeroy Jenkins and dies 1 v 5.


This is very true. Recently in a QM I had a Jimmy Lanner smurf who did just this. It was a wonderfully lazy game for me as he managed to quietly soak and push all lanes on Towers of Doom and make it to team fights and objectives, the other players didn’t notice his efforts, but they do notice when you have a 0-0-12 death 2k exp Illidan.


Level does not equal skill in this game so that doesnt really say anything about your match up.

It’s not even technically balanced because of groups at higher levels of play.
Plus Microsoft still thinks that everybody should be able to fill every position without any pre selection of your role which does something.

Maybe the worst player in your team mains something completely different and also has no willingness to fill. All those bad design decisions which expect a perfect world to be existent just sum up.

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It doesn’t even need to be to the extreme of a Leeroy Jenkins, just imagine “THAT GUY” who is just a numpty and how he got to his rank is unknown. He is clueless, slow at reacting, not being proactive. Basically, he just wanders around the battleground hitting things till they die or kill him without a clear sense of purpose. Someone who is just not pulling their weight and/or playing as a team.

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