Blizzard's MM is bad and is not going to keep new players

Eh? It already is. That’s what I was telling you last time I replied to you. Blizz Classic game doesn’t mean Blizz retro game. It more tells us the support they’re getting. D3, old D2, SC1, SC2, W3, HotS are what’s considered Classic game by Blizz. And if I’m not mistaken, all of them are managed by Classic team, which is a small group.

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Try your luck in reddit. Maybe they will like what you suggest.

Everything is over for this game. Reddit as well as any other sort of visible community management.

‘debate’ doesn’t solve any of the issues for this, or really any game, or… really anything since the 1700’s. Not that that much matters since people don’t really know what a ‘debate’ entails and would rather slump a bunch of names against one-another and keep the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” alive well past adolescent squabbles.

Well…it is all in your head. You would have to first understand how the matchmaking works before you can call it anything. Good Luck.


This is baseless.

If I would be driven by selfish reasons, I would spam “remove the qm rules, make qm great again” threads.
Also I wasn’t always at Master lvl, and my taste and attitude towards the game was formed way before I left Gold.

Ps: you create the close games, not the comps.
And throwing out made up percentages won’t make your point any more solid or scientific.

Just had a QM game where we had a duo with one of the players new (the other guy was on my friends list and said sorry about his friend after).
I checked out the 5 stack after. Their lowest was gold 2 highest was a Master…

Reminds me of a 5 stack I lost to last summer. Me and Havi was playing together and we had a bronze 5 Stitches that had no clue to play and the 5 stack was all master/diamond players.

Game was over after only 13 mins.

No chance to counter them casue they all rotate as 5 and pick on people who walk alone and they invaded our camps with ease. Meanwhile our tanks was only playing with minions.

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  1. Screenshot or it did not happend.
  2. Matchmaking is based on MMR not on WR.
  3. Based on no. 2 it means all of the 10 Players are around the same Rank
  4. Based on no. 3 it means your mates where on a higher Rank before, but they dropped, your enemies where on a lower rank before, but they climbed.
  5. if it’s true what you saying, and your mates are on a LIFETIME winrate of 25% the only possible result is: you are all B5 and this is the point where we can stop this discussion.

Please google “bell shaped curve”. The statistics used in probabilities aren’t made up.

Making QM great is a good thing. Not sure why you’re so opposed to the idea.

Had another example last night…
My Team: Tassadar, Li Ming, Deckard, Gazlowe, Sylvanas
Enemy Team: Fexis, Falstad, Imperious, Artanis, Tyrande
My team had 18 kills and their team had 35.

Game was close up to about level 10 and then they pulled away. They had 2 bruisers to our 1, and in every team fight they could always outlast us. Again, it was around 20 second wait in queue. Ridiculous!

some ppl on this forum are quite good at putting words into other ppl mouths.

btt: i agree with ur pov on patterns and i dont think it was wrong to call a gg there. let ppl be salty as much as they want, maybe they r gonna find a tincan and become salted fish soon.

edit: on the other hand doing a suicide attack on the boss as team would have finsihed the game even faster, probably.

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And some people just come here to complain and when half the community tries to help him getting better he just throw up the typical name calling card casue deep down he was never commited to get better at all. Just complain and vanish in the fog.

It goes both ways really. The complainers are not always the victim in those kind of topics.

true that but doesnt change the fact that kish has a decent point about the pattern thing and i agree with him on that while some ppl just stick narrow mindly to their opinion and assuming things that were never written nor purposedly left out. i think a good argument isnt invalid just because the arguers personality might be bad. idk much about what happened between u guys.

I didn’t disagree with all Kish had to say, but because I didn’t agree with everything he had to say he called me a “White Knight.”

The thing is, Kish isn’t even speaking on topic, very few people are. This thread is about the new player experience and how MM works for new players. It’s not about general matchmaking, but that’s what the thread has devolved to.


nothing new about threads devolving though, happens a lot.
new player exp is bad in all mobas, no? unless there s a vs ai mode.
but a lot ppl dont like farming ai i think (though i did have few hard ai matches on elite lvl which were kinda fun)
i personally think lol and dota r much much worse compared to hots in this regard. (moba part not the auto chess)

Hey, I’ve done bigger thread hijacks than this! :slight_smile:

I think the larger point is the problem with what the matchmaker thinks is a fair game (both teams having an equal chance at winning). A stomp is a stomp. None of them are any fun and they happen way too often.

I’ve been focusing on team comps because the problem is easy to illustrate and (in my mind) easier to fix.

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The same people discussing this thread are from a multitude of recent common threads covering discussions centering around what is basically: “The Matchmaker” and everything bad about it from new player experience, to current game culture to Smurfs, etc…
It’s all tied together.

So, yeah I guess the thread went kinda off-topic, but in the bigger picture, all of these discussions (and rants/arguments/keyboard warriors) are linked in relevance, so it’s no “high-jacking”, it’s just where the discussion naturally leads, but it always begins with something along the lines of “Bad game experience because of XYZ”.

Logic being something along the lines of:

new player has bad experience → because of other players who do XYZ → Put there by the matchmaker → matchmaker is bad → creates imbalanced games → imbalanced games are not fun → I like this game and want to keep playing this game but it’s not fun because of XYZ → The matchmaker needs to change to stop XYZ → ANY changes to Matchmaker would drive up queue times → and so on…

At this point, the discussions are random and usually just a flex battle for imaginary internet points. With the same actors coming into new threads, just to endlessly repeat the cycle, beginning from any of the points on the “timeline of forum posts about matchmaking” and their natural evolution.

I never used that expression Kn1ghtmare did, I simply said this thread went off topic.

Not exactly. As I pointed out very early in this discussion, the biggest issue for new players is there is no longer an exclusive new player queue. If a game with new players can’t be found within a few minutes they are mixed with veteran accounts. This was the exact issue the OP raised.

It is notable that the OP has not posted anything but the original post of this thread, which is now 10 days old. Yes it’s pretty normal for threads to diverge, that’s fine. The thing is, the actual topic of this thread has hardly been engaged with at all. Calling people “White Knights” and all that nonsense doesn’t contribute to make the thread any more constructive or coherent.

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I never called anyone a white knight in this thread or other recent ones (That I remember lol)

To answer to the OP’s post, it’s still the same thing… the matchmaker gave him a bad game and he also realizes it’s the fault of the matchmaker because, ultimately, it’s what made his team of numpties go vs an organized team and it was a stomp. Whether it’s for new players or not, it will naturally lead to Smurfing being a reason for their bad experience or, matchmaking issues related to time and number of available players. Lack of new players is really bad for actual new players as smurfs are rampant due to their main accounts being banned and it being so easy to make a new account and level it up with a boost (that you get automatically for just playing as a new player).

ya 3000+ rank games and paring me with 5-6lvl noob with 0 experience and face to 5x300lvl enemy