Blizzard really needs to do something about team comps in QM

QM used to have “forced comps” where every team always had 1 Tank, 1 Healer and 1 Ranged Assassin + 2 “other” heroes…

And all people did was complain about how much they hated it.

So Blizzard removed it, and that is why we have what we have today.

To quote you:

The old roles have little to do with matchmaking. If anything, specialist isn’t even a role the matchmaker uses anymore… so Gazlowe couldn’t be queues as one, :roll_eyes:

They hated the queue time increase. Although personally they felt the same to me. But I also play tanks/healers often.

I don’t think anyone hated the quality of games going up.

I disagree that it’s fine. 1) because I personally find the comps to be terrible enough that I’ll rarely if ever play it and 2) because people frequently complain here about it which makes me think I’m not the only one who doesn’t like it.

This suggestion is done in a way that I don’t think will greatly increase queue times. Why? Because we can see the high demand classes. They get exp boosts. We see them essentially always on tanks, usually on healers, and rarely on others. By expanding the algorithm to include more common classes, it should allow the game to much more easily find pseudo-tank and pseudo-heals that are “close enough” to be more enjoyable, but without increasing queue times dramatically.

On queue times themselves, I rarely if ever wait more than about 20 seconds for a QM game, whereas I’ll frequently wait up to 5 min for a ranked game. Even if I’m in leaver queue (less than stellar ISP performance, sadly), it’s rarely more than 2 min. I think the community can accommodate a slight increase for a significant increase in match quality. Of course, that’s only my opinion.

The only classes that can get it are:
Ranged damage dealers (which are not all ranged assassins^)
Tanks (all tanks)
Healers (all healers).

Melee assassins, bruisers, supports and some Ranged Assassins^ cannot get this bonus.

^ranged assassins might actually map to ranged damage dealer now. Unsure.

It already matches supports against each other (unless a healer is present).

It also matches melee. One team cannot get a melee hero if the other team lacks a melee hero.
-Exceptions for 5 man groups going 5 ranged characters.
-Mei and Blaze might do some weird stuff with this due to being ranged tanks.

If that’s true, I learned something new today.

Yes. Mirroring is good and I want to keep it. I’m not suggesting that a support be put against a proper main healer, nor that a melee assassin be matched against a proper tank.

What I want to change is that “if” to “must”, so that algorithm always puts a front-liner in the game and always puts a healer or support in the comp. Example. It picks one of the front line classes (tank, bruiser, melee assassin), then it picks a healer or support, then it fills the other 3 with whatever classes are in highest demand. Once it builds this comp, it mirrors it for the other team. All of these choices are based on highest demand to minimize wait time. Does that clarify what I’m suggesting?

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Imo, QM already has too many rules and safety belts for “proper comps” which can never be “balanced” not even with preceisely mirrored (sub)roles.
Maps, objectives, playstyles and Hero balance and (anti)synergy (and counters) are more complex for that.
I actually missed the times when there were no guaranteed role mirrors or allied restrictions (like no Murky+Cho’Gall on the same team if possible).


Yes, thank you… makes a lot more sense now.

I am now of two opinions on your suggestion (I think it makes sense, but I also believe it might make for more frustrating scenarios. And of course it will increase queue times by a degree (personally don’t care)).

No they do not. People do not understand the meaning of quick match, Its a quick match, not a balanced match. If you want those things. Go play unranked or ranked.

This has nothing to do with comps though. Tanks should know to CC Tychus as soon as he activates Minigun. If he’s close enough to attack them, then he’s in CC range.

That’s just the player being dumb. Not a comp issue.

Most of these are just due to player behavior. Not much Blizzard can do to change that.

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And a ton of people disagree. Just look at all the QM balance complaint threads here. “Enemy team had CC and we didn’t!” is one of the most common sources of unhappiness.

And if it were BoE and the Raynor was smart enough to take Exterminator, you (or some random person) would complain that the enemy team had boss race and your team did not, so QM is clearly unfair. It never ends.

Yeah, I used that. However, if you need to get to objective safely in a jungle with low vision (Garden of Terror), you better be sure of where Valeera is. She was waiting for me on the way to objective quite a few times.

Yeah, which is why I’m not really saying it like it’s a big problem. I’m used to it in QM, and even though I shouldn’t be solo laning as Li Ming when we have a Leoric, I have been doing that more than once :smiley:
But i learned how to do it any way to the point it doesn’t really bother me anymore.

I cannot see why anyone would complain about that. Longer waiting times, I guess. Then you could just inform people of approximately how much time would be needed to get in game depending on the role, and highlight (more than with just a green arrow) heroes which are needed to enter a game.

Hey read, that’s what I’ve been saying ^^
However, you should understand that a QM game, which in my opinion is made to help you get back or get better at a specific hero, is way better when you are at ease playing your hero. At ease, because the enemy team will let you at least try out a bit of what your hero is supposed to do.
Let me play harder games when I’m high level enough on a hero for example, or if I’ve played him/her a few times in the last days.

Diablo and Blaze are easily predictable when they apply CC. My guess is, they tried not to get killed doing that by KTZ who could easily use combos in such cases. As they both died doing just that at level 1 and 3.

True. Would still appreciate a team with proper peel when I play a squishy for the first time in a while.
The only effect it truly had was the same as last time I played Valla: I immediately stopped doing it after 2 games.

I get that one, but well it’s QM. You usually can still play your hero, even if you’ll probably lose every teamfight.

We couldn’t race anyway, 2 tanks won’t deal as much damage as 2 assassins. We had to protect our Immortal every time either way, so…

It’s doable, though. I’ve been playing solo Valla for the last few days just fine.

Sometimes my performance is garbage because we have no frontline, other times I’m the star performer.

Overall, though, I just think it makes me a better Valla player because I have to adapt to do well.

I’m fine with weird comps as long as they’re fair. Sometimes, they’re just so blatantly one-sided that it’s frustrating, but Blizzard isn’t going to do anything to mitigate that so unless you want to deal with it, go play SL for better team composition.

I’d love if Blizzard fixed it, but let’s be real here, they’re not going to.

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Yes they can. I’ve seen Thrall get it plenty of times.

It’s rare for a damage dealer / bruiser to get the XP bonus, but they can get it.

Same with supports, if there’s an over abundance of supports in the queue it will ask for more to even it out. Anyone can get the bonus, just watch the screen long enough.

The matchmaker doesn’t need them to make the call of the nexus matches.

I’m gonna press F to doubt unless you have proof.

Next time it happens I’ll screen shot it. I’m sure I have one already as well.

Because people complain on the internet… That is all they do. People aren’t happy unless they are letting everyone else know how unhappy they are.

To be fair, all those cases sound more like the players themselves’ fault rather than the comps.
You even say you managed to win a couple of those matches, thanks to you playing well (kudos for that, you did what you had to). But then again, not a comp issue.

I agree, though, that QM reflects more accurately, with a larger sample of possible scenarios and hero interactions, the in-depth balance issues of some heroes. At least it does it way better than Ranked can.
Having said that, usually most matches in QM can be won by the player’s will and skill to do so, rather than the comps per sé. Can it be difficult? Sure thing it is! But impossible? Not so much, know what I’m saying?

They did, and people complained. So they repealed it. So now when people complain about comps again, don’t expect them to fall for it.

The majority of players would rather hurry into a horrible game than wait 30 seconds for a decent one. So they just got exactly what they asked for.