Blizzard failed Lili water dragon players! MAKE HEROES FUN AGAIN!

Just as a side note. Please put people from a lobby back to the top of the queue if someone drops.

So I just decided to play ranked for the first time in months, waited 25 minutes for a game and picked Lili and water dragon. I got a lot harassment from my teammates. I usually play lili with water dragon in ranked and it has never been a problem before now(some problem but most people didn’t flame as much as they are now post nerf).

Way back in the good old days (the other week) Lili was pretty much kind of totally fineish( it was generally a bit touch and go) with water dragon straight up from season 0 right up until the nerf the other day.

My first game with Lili and water dragon since the patch was TERRIBLY disappointing. The patch didn’t change much but Lili up against a Lucio now gets absolutely smashed before level 10 and once you get past 10 the new nerf to the base heal is terribly obvious, especially with 2 for 1 at level 16. Even double dragon at level 20 doesn’t come close to making Lili a hero that can main heal without cups now.

Either water dragon needs to be buffed (damage on hit or longer slow) and lili’s attack damage increased slightly, or the base heal needs to be raised a little and cups needs to be lowered if people are worried about Lili overhealing. I like to play Lili with water dragon because it is fun and exciting and opens up a lot more gameplay options than cups. Double dragon opens up double options AND IS DOUBLE THE FUN!

Most people don’t play healers because the healer is generally the least fun role.

If blizzard keep on making healers boring and unrewarding to play two things will happen.

  1. Nobody will heal and it will kill ranked play ( It is bad enough as it is don’t make it worse)
  2. Ranked play will become less appealing and everyone who likes having fun will use the 25 minutes it takes to find a ranked game to go and install league of legends or apex legends instead.

Blizzard had a good thing going, unfortunately they killed off heroes of the storm by taking all the fun out of it and wrecking it for casual players, then ruined it more by killing the pro scene entirely because the pros had no casual noob fanbase who enjoyed the game.

The Lili nerf seems designed around taking as much fun out of the game as possible by ruining water dragon. Heroes is losing the fun aspect that made it appeal to people originally. Vikings were awesome back in the day. Then heroes came out like Chromie and Li-ming that could sometimes one-shot Erik and Baelog together and blizzard just said ‘Hey, we don’t feel like reworking these guys and they usually have the lowest win rate aside from Medivh but we are still going to charge 10k for them as legendary heroes’. TLV are not legendary or worth the cost. Neither is Medivh.

Where is the focus on fun that made this game great.



Ps. Mistweaver is also not viable now. Not that anybody ever picked it in the first place.

Just for the record, While I wrote this I was waiting for a ranked placement game. Estimated time 600 seconds, 2575 seconds later still no game.

Edit, about 2800 seconds and then someone disconnected and back to the back of the queue. Please put people from a lobby back to the top of the queue if someone drops.

For the past few months I have been playing purely A.I. because there is a lot less flame and people are nicer, it also has an average of 12 seconds wait time because everyone has moved over from ranked. This is a great indication of how many people want to play heroes for the fun side of things.

How about, now you killed off the pro scene, make heroes fun for casual players and go back to the roots of what the game was all about. Maybe if there are enough casual players in time you can reopen the pro scene.


this is a big ol rant that pretty much boils down to a [you] problem.

“ I want to pick what i want and win regardless of other details and i’m going to come here off a single game instance to fuel my rant”

honestly, if you’re not going to put in the effort to keep cohesive to the main concerns — and not just aside for the sake of it — then your rant is more impulsive than useful and can be met with a /shrug

This isn’t a blog for a stream-of-consciousness rant, and you come off as grasping at straws for stuff to blame while sitting around bored and not thinking your deadbeat concerns through and likely wont return to bother reading it through either


idk the changes to lili but mistweaver was mad op. you were a fool if you never took it. 30s area heal on a much quicker cd cause of trait… yeah you doing it wrong.

Maybe you just aren’t funny? tbh I didn’t find anything remotely funny in your post. Just a cringe inducing attempt all around.

Also, autistic people actually have a sense of humor. Most of them have a better developed one than you do even.


AI has a shorter wait partly because it only requires 5 players, not 10 like all other modes…

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There is a big difference betweem 12 seconds for 5 people and 2500+ seconds for 10 people.

Or because there’s no match making/MMR in AI and everyone’s thrown together. I do not wish this on normal mode though.

there’s plenty of things i find funny, but you seem content to double-down on the [you] problem i was spelling out in my previous post. So gj?

If you’re into irony, then it is pretty hilarious that you chose to link a post about ignoring pertinent context in favor of confirmation bias given that you not only went out of the way to pull that wall but fixated on that over anything shorter and more recent to draw your conclusion.

Given the lack of more obvious elements of your post above to demonstrate said claim for humor, Id be inclined to permuse you’re keen on self depricating jokes as you seem to have a great string going so far :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you. I always enjoy it when my talents are appreciated! =D

They should have give Water Dragon a 2nd buff such as it will increase Lili’s basic heal by 30% or something…or else, 1000 Jugs are still superior and safer pick for your team.


I always thought giving each of your nearby teammates a cloud serpent on activation would be a nice little touch without being op. Or lili has a permanent serpent. Or cloud serpent gives lili a serpent whenever she gives one to an ally (an old talent I believe)

When you said, LILI and fun… that’s were I discredit anything you say.


Any hero that takes just takes body position and hitting a button to heal isn’t fun, or skillful. You could basically roll ur face on your keyboard and have your monitor off and have the same effect on this low skill cap hero.


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If you’re the healer, any damage heroic should always come with some kind of passive to healing ala Reverse Amp


i miss that talent :crying_cat_face:

different people find different things fun! shocking, i know. personally i really enjoy her bruiser-like properties (absorb damage > put out heals and damage in return), and her ability to shut down AA targets at crucial moments


I can’t really complain about a change that makes Lili solo supports not pick Water dragon.

Weird coincidence but I played with a WD Lili just yesterday in HL (Infernal Shrine). The player would use the heroic as soon as the fight started. Had we had jugs instead, we would have won every fight.

And we did warn the player at the beginning that WD wouldn’t work with our comp.


I dunno, I played her in TL, picked Water Dragon, and felt like it all went just fine.
Her healing isn’t amazing, so consider a few things.

  • Allies who can self heal
  • Damage you don’t have to heal because they didn’t do it because they were blind
  • Damage you don’t have to heal because they didn’t do it because they were slowed by Water Dragon
  • Her somewhat high damage output for a support
  • Her ability to escape situations other supports can’t, allowing you to draw aggro from an ally that might otherwise die

Well that’s not true at all.
Having to worry about less things means you have to be more precise with the things you do have to worry about.
Positioning is her most important property because wandering is part of her lore, her flavor. You have to move around a heck of a lot more than you would have to with almost any other support, minus Kharazim, Lucio and maybe Rehgar who also have/get to be mobile.


Let’s break this down,

  • She has no CC besides her ult and a slowing blind. Her ult can be cleansed, heck I B step that stupid ult. Specially when I am on Sonya, thx I can just his ww, and cleanse it off myself, … waste my time.

Next, you blind me… I laugh hit ww and you die, or You blind me I laugh I spam W and you die. What you gonna do run from Sonya? Oh no your slow is cleanse able for me, my dmg skills and autos give me as much speed as your going and at 13 you aint out running me. Die! Take the P spear to the face, watch me b step you and laugh at your easy no skill cap hero.

3rd point- on sonya Im not slowed you better run, and beg for mercy, or get a really good tank.

  • Agree she can do dmg, but she lacks what is godlen, she can’t follow up, she has no stun, no root, no quality cc or engage or finish to close out kills.

Can Lili sleep a target to set up a kill, NO, can Lili, root and silence a team to finish and close out many kills NO!, Can Lili follow up, and reduce armor with a stun to secure an easy kill. NO!

She isn’t good! Ability to escape? in what low MMR games? She is ez town. Spear to the face, Mura q, follow up damage DEAD!

Draw aggro, from an ally, I’d rather have Stukov, he has a slow, a root, and a silence, what is lili gonna do, dance around me and look stupid. Plus Stukov actually can target his heals, and can do a big heal. Lili is just a poor man’s rookie league sensation.

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I said to consider, I didn’t say they were fool proof against every hero or comp…
If I’m against a Sonya, and she took Hurricane, why would I target her with Water Dragon?
Lili can take Hindering Winds though, for an additional slow. I usually take one or the other, but nothing stops you from taking both if needed.
But the main deterrent for a heavy diving bruiser is going to be my allies.
And they will destroy you if you’re that cocky and arrogant.

Though really I’ve been playing Uther a lot more because he’s just a little ridiculous, and less situational.

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one-off selection picks are kinda pointless rants eps wehn conoaring the popularity of a sonya to a lili and then trying to conpare the two as if it were a magical duel.

Also: stukoc can target his heals? Since when? I get what you mean, but i dont think you get what you mean as the boonce-aspect of his mark is reliant on positioning akin to li li, if an infected ally suddenly bails out before the spread, he’s SOL on the heal.

The point isnt line-items rants to pretend you know more than you do by cherry-picking linea and pretending its refuted a claim with misplaced bravado.

you’re going to put a dot on a hero whose output is drastically increased by taking periodic damage?

i mean, thanks for the heals i guess q: