Best girl thread

I would go down for Moira than to see Mercy getting the entire club of Overwatch into this forum with their Mercy complaints not being exactly as she is in Overwatch.

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I’ve Fixed it for you

That’s not a girl.
It’s a game.
Try choosing a girl.

I choose… huh. I’m not actually sure.

Did you miss my girl?


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I did not miss you saying Whitemane earlier, I just felt like being silly.

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those jaina+slyv duo’s earned me some side eye from my wife…

cool gallery though :smile:


Actually I meant when she wasn’t dead… but Banshee Sylvanas is great too.


Okay I love Brightwing… but that’s just weird.


… Sami… Most of the people who play Mercy would thank the HOTS Devs very profusely if Mercy is different from her Overwatch counterpart.
Myself included

If you expecting Mass res to ever happen, then dream again, people though Whitemane will get that as an ult but it was the first thing they even ignored when it comes to creating her concept.

So to expect Mercy having that in HotS, or even as baseline res, is very unlikely.

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Sami I don’t think you’ve been around my concept threads have you. Cus if you did you’d know I don’t expect it. Well not in the form of an actual res anyway
But that dosen’t change the fact that the only way to impliment Valkyrie ultimate into HOTs in it’s current state would be to remove her from the map for an extended period of time and give minor heals that don’t even fell potent like on Li Li’s jugs healing talent or Rhegar’s ancesteral healing

Please do share, I will take a look.

I need to write out a full fledged concept it’s on my to-do list
But I’ve been pretty Vocal about my idea of a half life Mass Rez
That is to say the Ultimate gives people something akin to Uthers passive for a few seconds.

BW is always weird.


Need this FOR REASONS.

i am not of understanding what you mean.

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NOVA is my best girl :wink:

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(You’re supposed to be able to read fine, the language of Fodlan. Just not be able to speak it well).

Granted, I suppose you could consider this forum to be spoken words instead of typed words.