Best girl thread

Only reason I haven’t actually answered the thread is because I’m paralyzed by indecision. So many waifus but only one choice :thinking:

Though technically speaking, Li-Li would be the only option for best girl :thinking:

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No, that would be “Manletuin”.

I love Li-Ming, but for this one I’d probably go with Nova.

Honorable mention for Jaina.

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Whitemane for the legs, Morales and Hammer for the overall thiccness.

I’ll be the one to say Cassia

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Yrel will always stay my goat waifu.
And Nova my blonde femme fatale.


Why is this thread not labelled HENTAl?

Kael’Thas is the hottest woman in the Nexus.

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Somehow I missed this thread. Theres a great range of artwork here, some of it is even pretty good.

Thnx for necro


Now this prince is FRESH.