Balance Patch Note 23th Jan 2019

…Or it’s the opposite. They tend not to touch heroes who are due for a rework, so maybe TLV is just that far off the list.

However, this may be a good sign for Tassadar at least.


Yeah, I believe they said no TLV rework for a long long time.


nothing will change exept that he will die alot faster now cuz they nerfed his trait again

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Nope. 8/10. No changes for Tassadar and Valeera. O, i am forgot. 7/10 cause Zertul’s nerf is stupid.


That seems extremely narrow-viewed.

I’m interested to see how he truly performs. :slight_smile:

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Tassadar will get a rework with spotlight and an individual patch. Like how Medivh+Sonya, Raynor+Azmo and BW+Kerri got theirs.


I feel like they could do a little more with Imperius honestly. A little mana off his skills like with Mephisto would have been perfect, and though I like them buffing more underperforming talents, I had hoped for more love to the Q build. I’m still going to use that, as at least the quest at level 1 is reliable for me at least, but otherwise, not much reason to pick the other ones. Except perhaps Flash of Anger at 7 now. That buff looks tasty, and I never lived the cleave one anyway.

As for Mephisto, I love it. Especially with less CD on Durance. I already used it a lot, and considered it a highly underrated monster of a talent, and this is just gonna make it sweeter. :3

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Just another year or two. Just give it Time


i hope that i did the conclusion wrong, still its kinda wierd that they nerfed his survivability

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Lunara untouched BlessRNG


I would really like to see her Q build buffed a bit …


150% agree with that. That build really needs some buff/changes.


actually after the 20 talent it is still only 30 seconds, because its CD at first was 100 now its 75, the CDR used to be -70seconds to make it 30 but now its 45, 75-45=30 so it was buffs period, it makes it more available between 10-20 and just a flat out 15% dmg buff at 20


Oh nice, thanks for the correction.

Nerfing Zagara and Zeratul my OG Heros.

Buffing healers and supports tho, so not a complete fail patch.

Zeratool was bit to strong post lv 16



“Hello darkness, my old friend…”


If he is left alone after these nerfs it would be sensible.More than that and the hero gets trash fast.
Murky is too strong post 16 too so we can agree to gut the fish who has a better winrate than him btw.


I’ve recently been playing a lot of Anub, but have not really tried the beetle build. Thoughts on his changes this patch, anyone?

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Vikings buff.
Is it possible to be more effective at 20 when you call in the boyz?

Also dam. That was one hell of a patch.

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