Are you Ready for a 6 vs 6 Fight?

I don’t think features that break the game engine or require completely reprogramming and rebalancing aspects of the game are realistic to suggest. For example making 6v6, 10v10 matches and so on.

For one, there doesn’t even exist a mode where more than ten people at a time can queue and start a match, not even in Custom.

Many quests, mechanisms and objectives are also fine tuned to work with 5 allies per team.

6v6 is also a straight nerf to single healer comps. It’s way harder to keep alive five other teammates instead of four.


I never speak about this system,was painful especial aspect of Internet connections.

Maybe at first we have some problem with 6 vs 6 game,but it has very similarity to 5vs5,with a bit of nerfing strong healer,this system will be usefull.

yes you say right,especial this suggest (2 Healers,2 Assassins,2 Tanks) for a team will be some boring,but necessarily we dont have this choise as you see most people ignore support role already.

you speak about a sweet and attractive unbalancing,5 vs 5,in his base as we see in AI system,always one player should play alone,this system is same in Dota2 as a famous moba game,but Unfortuntaly or maybe fortuantely (relate on people’s view) these dont happend on hots reguraly or even a small,most of Hots match lanes are diveded in 1-3-1 or 1-4-0 forum,but If we Increase a more number of player,we can see new and another aspect of a game,like as 1-4-1 system,or 2-2-2 and etc…
As you know one of biggest problem of Hots is that their developer has many emphasis on team work,this idea is not good all time,with new changes in game structure and also maybe with a new game mode system like as 6vs6 this problem will be solved…
I belive at least a test or study on this new system will be nice and will have several rewards too,even if it dont be happend in future.

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Yes. More healers and supports in game would be useful TvT
Wish they’d make 6v6 real tho.


no thanks it already tilting to watch my 8k hp tank die in half a sec late game with spell armor/armor lol

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6v6 fight will revive the game. daylan is like a new age HotS philosopher. our Aristotle, if you will :grinning:


Sad engine :trumpet: hopefully a better one comes out by 2025

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actually i think a more likely think to happen is support would still be not there.

we would see
Tank, Tank/Bruiser, Assassin x3, Healer

where Assassin in this case is going to mainly be ranged because ppl like that, but it also gives more flexibilty into picking that melee assassin and still having the ranged assassins.

the only other thing that might see a comeback in this is the double healer meta since you wouldnt lose out on picking two healers. it would actually give your team significant flexibility depending on the healers you choose. for instance a bloodlust rehgar for an AA dive team and having another healer that can provide alt healing since rehgar has some long cds.

This is why they just need to put out HotS 3.0 already. Totally revamped so they CAN do this stuff and stop saying no because the engine is old and doesnt support anything.

HotS is already a financial black hole. There is no way they would spend money to upgrade a game the (next to) no one will play.


6v6 sounds interesting on paper but there would be so many balance issues and i fear that some bruisers and duelists would become obsolete in favor of aoe. Not to mention that the maps them selves are balanced around 5v5. Many maps would need their terrain to be majority asjusted to accommodate 2 more players.

Having another player on each team would make it even more difficult for an individual, skilled, player to stand out. This is something that the game already struggles with.

Im afraid you cant just move a game from one engine to another. The immense ammount of work required to create a new engine and then rewrite all the code to work in the new engine is often far to much to ask of even a fully staffed dev team let alone the team hots currently has. Some of the visual and audio assets may* be able to be ported over but a vast majority of the code would need to be atleast heavily modified if not completely rewritten and doing so would surely create alot of bugs that would need to be found and patched out.
This is what warcraft reforged was trying to do but that game took a long time to develop even with most of the art assets being outsourced and look how that game turned out.

Edit: dont get me wrong, i love this game and anything to make it popular again would make me so happy but it would be easier to just make a hots 2 then upgrade engines.


believe thats is what i just said…

…and just to let you know we are already on HotS 2.0 which is why i said 3.0

labels aside, at least you see the same thing. i dont see it likely to happen but it would be great if it did happen and they made a new HotS game with a whole different engine.

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If that happens, I think they would have to nerf heroes with area damage, because they would be very strong at dealing damage to 6 heroes at once.

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I ment making a full on sequel rather then a big update. Like how theres sc1 and sc2

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Yeah cause que times are already bad. Lets make them worse.

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The enemy team would have to ban ana every match because she’s the #1 healer right now and she shuts down double healer so hard it’s not funny. Supports would so arguably compete for the spot over another assassin. One zarya silence ult and it’s GG post 20. Abathur could also cause trouble

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With a new design 6 vs 6, I think that with the 6-man team, there will be a need for some development in the league games.
It will no longer be enough to have 3 points to ban the Heroes. We will probably need 4 cases like this.

-Ban1,ban2,ban1,ban2,Pick2,pick2,pick1,pick1,ban2,ban1,Pick2,Pick2,Pick1,Pick1,ban1,ban2,Pick1 Pick1,Pick2,Pick2.

However, in the past I have been looking for such a request and offer for the game.Even if this new system does not work. Increasing the number of choices will be useful for ban heroes.

Who was before me? :slight_smile:

There is no harm in trying it once !!

I think it might be helpful to design a hero who can sillenec all the enemy team anywhere of Battle Ground for a while.
Also with this recent situation of game (5 vs 5),Ana as you mention is a challenge for her enemies,she already need some balance,What’s more, she wants to fight more enemies.

Quadruple mage meta!

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It may be useful as a new Expansion to improve game performance. This may generate new green.(sure).

I’m drowning in trolls and laughing and expressing love!!

Except that isn’t how putting a new engine in a game works. They would have to remake EVERY hero in the game’s models from the ground up, because you can’t just transfer graphics assets from one engine to another. So it wouldn’t be “a new expansion”, it would be putting out a completely new game, with probably only 30 or so heroes available at launch (because it takes so much time to make the heroes again, especially with the current staff.)

So then it becomes the question: “Which 30 heroes do you include in the new game?” Should it be the 30 most popular heroes? The 30 heroes that the most people own? Should you make some of the heroes new heroes? or just keep re-releasing old heroes until you get back to having all of the heroes we currently have? Do you rework any of those old heroes? or do you keep them the same as they are? If you only re-release old heroes until you get back to the current roster, and somehow manage to add 10 heroes re-released a year, are players going to get bored with only heroes they have played before being added for the next 5 years?

As much as we, the players, would love to have a new engine for the game, I just don’t think it is something that is realistic. Not with the Moba market dying in general (yes, you may look at LoL and DotA and think that the genre is doing fine, but it really isn’t. Players are getting tired of this style of play, and moving on to other games. Nothing wrong with that, it happens.) Blizzard has already lost a ton of money on HotS, making a HotS II just doesn’t seem like something they would do.

I really liked that you mentioned this. This is exactly one of my goals for working on the famous My Wish and My Idea project.
From now on or in the near future, we will no longer need to make a famous hero or hero, and we desperately need to use the many options we have on the table. They are certainly cheaper and more profitable in terms of economic cost. They are more and can also be a new idea for making heroes.

I’m not talking about a short-term goal,I am going to think about long time purpose and we will not necessarily use all our reserves at one time.

(My Wish and My Idea - #39 by ShadowForst-2878)

I wonder how the following would be as gamemode:

  • 10 v 10
  • At the hall of storms, players can change hero or talents
    • With a cooldown of 2 minutes between changing.
    • Cooldowns are still calculated if changing the ultimate. Changing from a 40s cooldown ulti with a remaining CD of 35 sec to a 15s ulti, still requires the full 35 seconds of waiting.
    • Chaning talents delays the talent activation by 30 seconds, but allows the player to play again after 5 seconds.
      • Active Talents that involve a cooldown, still apply that specific cooldown on top of that 30 seconds
    • Changing a hero always takes 30 seconds to complete.
    • If dead, the changes are applied upon respawn, this does still apply the above cooldowns, but if already dead for 30 seconds, the hero change is applied instantly even if you would spawn a second later.
  • Leveling, death timers, xp gain, forts and every thing that normaly is active during a game, is still active.
  • People can join midgame and select a hero at that point
  • Players can leave without penalty
  • Teams cannot have duplicate heroes within their team
    • But they can mirror an enemy hero
  • Upon core destruction, the game restarts after 10 seconds (no need to use the matchmaker again).
    • If a team won multiple times in a row, the enemy team gets a bonus level for each consecutive loss (lost 3 games in a row, start at level 3, lost 5 games, start at level 5).
  • The report system for afk or intentional deaths is replaced with a votekick system.
    • 4 people voting on the same person cause the person to get kicked.
    • Abusive language still uses the current system and does not force a kick.
    • If a party was used, the party counts as 1 person in this.
    • Kicks do not cause penalties to be applied, but acts like a ban until all votekickers left the game.

And this can be called pub mode.

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