[April Fools] PTR Patch Notes April 1, 2019 🐲

Since it worked once it has to work again!


You know, I really like everything you proposed for ARAM. I have had quite a few 30+ minute games and I think this would help a lot:


Yeah… I actually threw a bunch of stuff for the ARAM part which was the most rushed one lol, glad someone like it though.

Also thanks everyone for actually enjoying this thread and surpassing 50 likes, I appreciate all of you, happy 2nd of april. :hugs:

Anyways, since a day has passed since the creation of this topic, I have added a tag to the title.


Make it 51!

If any of this goes live we blame you, right?


Yes, I’m everyone’s dummy that they can beat as much as they want. /s


This is good news in more than 1 way. But more importantly because they do have an open mind about where to take HotS.

Sure Sami does, but maybe not the devs themselves :man_shrugging:


Sounds about right.


To quote your response to my Brigitte hero concept:

“This post is oppressing me”

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:corazón roto::corazón roto:que le hicieron a Valeera? wtf !!! por que nerfear tan brutalmente a un heroe que esta muy lejos del meta en serio estan cagando el juego que desmotivacion mas grande ire buscando otro juego… :corazón roto::corazón roto::corazón roto::corazón roto:

Yes, I understood everything you just said, I agree.

Lots of broken hearts spam

What have you done to valeera? wtf? Why so brutally nerf a hero that is so out of the meta? really, you are destroying (bad word xD) this game. This is such a big demotivation that ill start searching for another game.

Broken heart spam

PS: something like that. Im tired, there are no semicolons, nor colons and the sentences are worst than the garden of terror rework xD.

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“I need Healing” needs to be a voiceline with an enormouslyreduced Cooldown, not a talent.

This thread getting bumped now sounds like an out of season april fools joke.

I’m sorry

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No I am, didn’t realize the Necro…

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Thank you for fueling my ego 4 months later

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