Any probius mains out there?

Give it something like unrevealable.

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Someone will say It will make him OP, but this won’t be me.

I agree with your idea.

How about probius rework?

If hammer is allowed to turbo jet away from dive attempts, it think this is a perfectly reasonable suggestion

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Is there any ennemy composition or map where I do each build?

I tried w build on sky temple but it wasnt succesfull

Im new to the Forums but alas. A true Probius main has appeared. This post is quite dated but I am willing to give some advice out and battle any naysayers of “its” abilities, uses, functions, comps."
One thing to get on the table immediately is to point out that probius falls under the “hard” difficulty description. Second, while I may advocate the hero’s amazingness, it does have seemingly easy to spot flaws. But 99% of them I disagree with.
However, I dont want to bash probius as a hero because I think he is easily top tier in the right hands and rightly so.
As a probius main. I will say with full confidence that the only change is with mobility. “Z” should not be cancelled by being damaged.
Potentially I could be okay with a soft cleanse and or Ice block but this may be too serious of a proposition.
If you play probius or want too. Its a hard road that is filled with toxic comments and teammates leaving you dry (blahblahblah insert generic complaints). You will have to be extremely diverse in play with camps, team fights, laning. All while being potentially killed rather instantly.
He is worth mastering and will garner better play for other hero’s.
Anyways ask away or muster your complaints, but be sure to do some homework.



So many necromancers here recently.
And almost all have 0 posts. :thinking:

I like this one. He gives good mindset tips


I cant get why Hots Forum cant just lock all threads that is X months/years old down like Reddit does. Many of the 1-2 year old threads have no reason to be open as its relevants is gone

I like most necros : (
No one can stop death
I mean it reminds me of some great threads. I googled for a meme and found a couple of nice threads from last year and wanted to necro one

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Stop reminding me that I ironically played this hero and mained him.

In case anyone was curious. Heroesprofile has 10 Probius players listed under the storm league filter. Only 5 have more than 10 games, only 2 have more than 20. So people still don’t play probius.

What about QM filter

It goes up to 23 for Qm. 10 players have more than 10 games with him. Only 1 has more than 20 games played with him. And before anyone asks for unranked draft, no one has enough games as probius for him to even show up.

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ive said that before too. the threads should auto lock after 6mo no activity. obviously they all still exist in that ‘read only’ state but if you want to comment on the subject you have to make a new thread.

… and this has more to do with information change. after 6mo of game time usually you will have been through 1-2 seasons and that will be up to 2 major patches. then along the way there will also be minor patches for balances. so anything being said in a thread that old on any of the forum channels is pretty much outdated.

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Ah online forums. The place where nobody wants old threads to get bumped and also tells you that everything you want to talk about already had a thread about it a year ago.

Next time, I highly recommend you create a thread showing off your Probius expertise. I’ll read it if you do because I want to get good with him. :slight_smile:

If you read forum rules. Then you would know its againts the rules to necro/bump old threads so it has nothing to do about no one wants old threads bumped. If you want to discuss the subject you make a new thread. That’s how it is.

I have made a new thread but cannot add to it until someone else reply’s/comments.
“Probius Main looking for other probius mains and or anything related”.
As I stated, I’m new to this hots forum so I apologize For “bumping” or being a “necro”.

right, competitive forum.
so that forum is mostly dead from what i normally see. i look in there from time to time and its not very active. there is a little life though it will just take MUCH longer to get anything on your post (especially something as specific as probius only). meanwhile general discussion will have the best results.

i know the forum titles say to put things in one location over the other… but realistically speaking they should trim these execessive forums down now because the forum community isnt as high as 5 years ago.

These would be your forums to stick to. The others are pretty much dead.

  • General Discussion
  • Hero and Skin Suggestions
  • Technical Support
  • Bug Support
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