All games are winable

There’s alot of things to keep in mind in this game. Not just game skill, knowledge, awareness, mechanic and configurations, you have to know the intricate. For example, what type of heroes to play through the current rank or not having enough counters vs ETC despite having Malganis and Hanzo stun arrow. Those are only soft counters while if you picked Jo and Mura, you could play to skill’s potential by having the utilities to stop ETC’s mosh. It’s like researching NFL for betting/tipping and looking up player’s stats if they had an injury last season which could slightly impact their plays and all that.

Another example of intricate things in HOTS is sometimes is MMR and players, and knowing the team you’re playing with. For example, I play solo as a DPS and win with a known decent pool of players that can soak and teamfight, but next game I vs them while with random pubs. that’s when it gets shaky and better to play it safe like go as a full tank like Jo. Problem with Australia is we have a small batch of players, so we’re always vsing the same groups. Some of the players are really known to be sensitive and throw the game if you’ve beaten them previously in a match. It gets shaky on who randoms with noobs, trolls and tilts sometimes.

Is that supposed to hurt me? Gosh you aren’t even trying.

If you want to go down THAT rabbit hole - no PVP game has 100% games winnable for you.

What I’m saying is, that even when everything looks grim and bad - there’s still a chance to win.

That’s why you have to tell them that they’re a f****ng moron and be toxic to them.
That’s the only way they will pay attention to the situation. Nice words and calm pings only makes them feel entitled and mad at you that you didn’t go and die WITH them.

Everybody know that being toxic with your team improve their performance instead of probably tilt them, lower their concentration or make them go AFK/leave. Good pro tips.


First post in this thread this guy trying to play forum police, redirecting the thread and talking about how nobody cares.

Now they are here in full blown discission with something to say.

Get called out.

Did they take away your badge, lightspoon?

Yep a totally new and entertaining discussion, never seen on this board before. Such new and fresh arguments are being posted here with also just a grain of salt.
At last this kind of thread always bring up some new and funny reply like that one about being toxic to make your team follow you.

Comedy is always fun, expecially in these day of lockdown. Keep up the good work, kiddo.

In THAT game - yes, that tilts them
Then again, if you’ve already tried everything, you ping them, you shotcall, and they still aren’t listening - then I’m not convinced that being toxic will make anything worse.

So who cares if it tilts them THAT game. But what it does is that they will focus on your toxisity, and the situation that led to it WAY more. And in the future, when they got shat on by 20 other people for making the same mistake - they WILL learn to avoid the situation.

If they already don’t listen to words and to pings - then the only thing that is left is a whip.
And you’d be surprised how often that works immediately, even despite them crying and saying “reported” they suddenly stop playing like f***ing monkeys.

Your participation says otherwise

I’m pretty certain this qualifies as spam violating the forum rules given that it’s just a copy of your previous ‘Waah, I lost a game’ whine thread. You’re just apparently incapable of grasping the difference between ‘winnable’ and ‘win’.

No it’s not.
It’s flirting

Its fine. Your pretty sure is unreliable.

youre the only one confused here about winnable and win. The thread is obviously about one and not the other. I thought it was pretty clear. Appearently minds of your caliber can make a puzzle out of anything.