Abathur's Stab Doesn't Follow Mouse

When casting Abathur’s Stab by holding down the Q button, subsequent stabs will fire at the original location. Every time Stab is used, it should fire towards the direction of the mouse, regardless of if Q is being held down constantly, or tapped repeatedly.

Reproduction steps: Abathur Stab Doesn't Follow Mouse - YouTube

Note: This hasn’t always been the case, and feels like it was introduced recently (past few months).

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Also seeing this issue

Hi friends!

I’ve put some tracking into the change and inconsistencies here. To be fair, other Heroes I have tested do NOT get the ability to refire their shots at all by holding keys down…

So this “problem” could split a number of ways here once our devs take a look at it and weigh in.

That said, thanks for the heads up!