A new player, disappointed

Dota2 is an actively developed game with a playerbase much larger. No reason to migrate to HOTS because it’s dead.


But the game puts you at silver when you place.

Something’s missing from the story.

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This isn’t true. I have two friends that are new to Hots, one placed in Bronze, the other in Silver. Players can also place as high as Gold 5 (that’s the limit), all dependent on your QM/URD MMR.


That’s news to me. I thought the lowest you could place was Silver 5. At least you can’t automatically place in wood.

Yep. Tried with many friends who migrated from eu to us and vice versa / minor servers to big ones.

The new accounts are hard capped at Gold 5 913 pts no matter how high your seeding from qm/ud.

Accounts can also start at Bronze 1-2, but not even close to B5/Wood, which would require a previous season’s low SL seeding.

Most commonly a fresh account will place around Silver 5 to Silver 1 with no previous ranked history


The issue is that blizzard killed this game. They don’t care about it because it didn’t make as big of a hit as League Of Legends did. Blizzard is just a copy paste company now that can’t think with the 2 brain cells it has left.

I rather play HoTS because I don’t want to deal with micromanaging last hitting not only my creeps but the enemies creeps too. That’s annoying. HoTS is far less toxic than LoL is due to the fact that there is no cross team communication. But blizzard can’t be bothered to support a game that players enjoy because they can’t milk it for cash because they don’t put enough resources on the game.


Also one of the reasons why I enjoyed playing Hots more then Smite. Spending more time at the gold shop then playing the game was a big no for me. Also last hitting where people would go full baby rage if you got the kill.

And potions you could just avoid completly because the healing/mana return from them were over time and not instant. And most classes can 3 shot people. Just walk up and throw a long CC on someone and kick him dead from a full combo and run away.

Not something you will see in this game.


Smurf accounts are lame, and the people who do them. Including fanhots.
I get that they have no choice, so just move onto another game is better.

It’s cheating otherwise to artificially put yourself at a skill level that is low if you are high skill.

They all know it too. Lame smurfing.

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I don’t agree with that. Many years back it was like that. HOTS is a very toxic game were the toxicity can even begin in the draft screen, as it’s so based on team success that you are “forced” to pick certain things. Like for example very little changes to win without a drafted walking fountain.

In LoL you get even auto banned from chatting and very quickly more penalties.

I think they are mainly referring to the cross team communication.

Imagine how toxic it would be if HOTS introduced that :stuck_out_tongue:


All Chat was never used for anything but mocking people on the other team or flame wars.
You have no business talking to someone on the other team anyway. Should focus more on talking with your own.

And just a reminder LOL players have been put in jail for toxic hate speech and promoting violence on others. Not exactly what you hear about Hots players.


Blizzard learned their lesson long ago in vanilla WoW. There for a hot minute both Alliance humans and Horde Forsaken spoke common, so both races would talk smack to each other on a daily basis. Eventually Blizzard changed Forsaken from being able to speak common to gutterspeak.

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Ye and yet Horde players stil found new ways to combine words to make it look racist/toxic in Orcish.

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Oh nononono, don’t be painting the Alliance as goody-two-shoes. They can be just as bad, if not worse, than the Horde.

Especially gnome players. For some reason in my experience they get a Napoleon complex to then become pains in the backside. Every time I had to contend with a troll or someone throwing hands with me, it was a gnome. Seven of the thirteen PvP kills I had earned in my time in WoW were gnomes with none of them accidental.

One or two I had gone out of my way to give them a thorough beating as they. Would. Not. Leave. Me. Alone. Even on PvE servers.

When I swapped from Horde to Alliance due to Garrosh’s warmongering backside, I never encountered the same aggression from Horde players. The few times I was beaten to death by Horde players was because I deserved it.

This is true, but don’t forget the gremlins who would tell the enemy team where they were on the map or strategies, to sabotage their own team’s efforts.

All chat would just be horrible, regular team chat is often bad enough already. I was matched with a player in ARAM yesterday who spent the entire game calling us “Blizzard Simps”, and “Blizzard apologists”, and more junk of that nature, I don’t need the enemy joining in on that nonsense.

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Was just an example. Ofc both are just as good to do this.

Horde and alliance can now understand each other : r/classicwow (reddit.com)

Just like this Horde. He found a way to burn Asmon.

People even experinmented with what you can say from Horde to Ally.

Use at your own risk! Horde to Alliance chat translations in game I have developed! : r/classicwow (reddit.com)

Someone even made his own translater

Wow Classic Button Translator Alliance to Horde (micheilskeens.com)

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Yep, I have seen that…from a gnome player who had woken up one day and said out loud. “Ya know what? Screw Troubled. I am going to ruin his WoW session today.” to then spend a good forty some odd minutes roasting me.

