999 level hero limit

Oh. Lol, I thought you had spent the last few years playing 20 hours a day, would have been pretty impressive (or insane).

But I hope they change the limit for the ultra dedicated.


Same! Would wonder what they did for a living. I play more then I should but my highest isnt even neir lvl 999

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eat doritos and drink soda as they play hots 24hours nonstop with the fridge right next to them and toilet on the other side etc… best life


Moooom grab the bucket


can you make me some coffee please??? thanks mommyyy :sob:


Would good idea to remove that limit. It would be interesting to see the highest possible lvl on X hero.

Было бы не плохо избавиться от этого лимита. Интересно было бы узнать самый высокий возможный уровень на каком-то герое.

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To get 999 level on 1 hero, it is enough to spend 1200-1500 hours.

Уes. Even when considering that most players will not reach 999 level. It 's at least interesting to most who have achieved what.


Yeah like how can you even play daily without getting burnt out from the game itself about hours on top of hours, so many questions to ask.


The scariest thing is some people have leveled through vs AI only.


Not Roger though (the Tyrael in OP’s post), he exclusively plays SL. Really nice person as well who is always on voice chat. Not the highest ranked player, but fun to play with. Almost always picks Judgment ult, and is fairly good at stealing enemy camps with Holy Grounds.

But I do think most of those are AI grinders.


I play 5 games per day since alpha and my highest is 50 !!
do you ever sleep ?


i would ask those who got level 999 on heroes that same question lol but then i remember that most of player’s farmed AI beginner for hours to get tons of exp back then so it was extremely easy to get to such levels through farming AI


I’ve seen people do that, they advertise “1 hour ai” in gen chat. I once joined to see what it’s about.

They have a very elaborate strategy where 2 people feed (to make sure AI stays near their level for maximal XP), one freezes a lane, and two keep killing enemy bots.

They can get up to 1,5 million XP at the end of the game if they have ‘first win of the day’ bonus.


yup and if you had boost pack you get more i also wanted to see what they do and joined once and was like… that’s such a strategy to get tons of exp! boring but meh i think it’s worth it for them?


I did a 1 hour ai run once just to get a lvl 99 hero to 100. I got 800k exp without exp boost. so yea.

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I 'm looking for my mistakes more. Than I pay attention to other people 's mistakes
And my level is only 2,300. Which is not so much.

If the player gets it delivered, why not?

A lot of people write about games against AI, but it 's not about that. No matter how the player gets 999 level. Against ia or in the league. The very fact that a person makes efforts, and achieves the result.
But still sick rach about league players. Who can play on the same character very much time

You misunderstood me i was admiring the amount of dedication taken to do that through vs AI.


Gz for people who got lvl 999 without AI and actually know how to play his hero. I once played with a lvl 999 Hammer that sucked so hard you could easy erase all her lvls and make her a lvl 1. That bad she was. She knew nothing of how to play her and she never joined teamfights. Only thing she did was afk top and spam ping everyone when they died or lost objects. But i have also played vs a lvl 999 Tyreal who knew when to use Sanct ult and engage/disengage with Q.


What I want to know is…

…Do those people have all the in-game collectibles yet?

any electronic data system is going to have a cap, and it has costs to increase those caps.

Diablo 3 had its cap indicate that greater rifts aren’t truly endless and any leveling progression system has an end.

The design of the game is to encourage a variety of heroes, so those would have a cap at some point (despite some people wanting even more fanfare for a mindless grind) so even if 1 hero caps, by the time that hero is capped, and another hero is added to the game, then the player progression level (sum of all hero levels) could be closer to “endless” by adding another hero to max.

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