2019 Ranked Season 1

Were not ranked points, 10 placememt games(with random outcome) and HL supposed to go away?

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Well, I don’t remember them saying WHEN are the placements and so on going away…

Most likeley when PBA comes…

The removal of ranks and the reduction of placements was announced at BlizzCon but they didn’t give a deadline for release.
We were all hoping that the S1 of 2019 would have been it, but unfortunatly it seems not the right time.

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Imagine them making multiple sweeping changes at once, it takes them atleast 2-4 weeks to fix a hero and longer to fix a big å. Problem like we had in the reset season

If they made 4 big changes at once and even 2 of them failed it would take months to fix it if not longer.

they so slow that why hots dying…


They never said when it is coming, but they did say it would not come for season 1/2019.

Changes are probably coming season 2 or 3/2019.

lets hope with the changes u can still get rank mounts with low rank. still bs u can go in 10 and done tl, while in hl u need plat. anyone who has played since beta and has a life get screwed by blizz great mmr system.

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The interns probably need more time.