2 months till Blizzcon

Does this mean vIdEo GaMeS cAuSeS vIoLeNcE? /s


How could you possibly suggest that? :scream:

Don’t you see the amount of blood shed here when Blizzcon get closer? :scream:

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While THE LORD OF DESTRUCTION, POSSESSOR OF TAL RASHA, CORRUTOR OF THE WORLDSTONE, MURDER OF MARIUS, CONQUEROR OF SESCHERON, TRIUNE SPIRIT OF CREATION, FINAL BOSS OF DIABLO 2, AND THE ONLY PRIME EVIL NOT CURRENTLY IN THE NEXUS, BAAL is my most wanted hero, I feel that for this Blizzcon they are going to go for the most wanted hero in the community which is Deathwing aka my second most wanted hero!

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i shall take your position into consideration then

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No sacrifice is too great for our true Emperor :muscle:


I take it that my terms are not acceptable.

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I would honestly like to see Mengsk in the game, just to see what that scumbag would actually do lol

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That is beautiful :black_heart::heart:


Why these marines look like Jack O lanterns?

Because space cowboys.

Space Jack O lanterns, got it.


There’s lots I’d hope to see and want to see, but not really anything I expect to see. Hope for the best plan for the worst.

Personally the only thing I’m actually looking forward to is their showing for Warcraft. BFA’s ending is within spitting distance and the only thing I expect is one final train wreck to top it off.

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Begin pessimism:

In terms of HOTS? I’d say nothing significant. Maybe a new hero (not Nexus) that will have people scratching their heads, huh?

Red Shirt to ask: What are you thinking?

No news for what they plan to do with MM, or if they will bother to fix AI.

I honestly think Hero releases are the last thing Blizz and WE should be worried about. There are plenty of things that need a lot of work. We have plenty of heroes already. The ONLY reason for a hero release is to quiet down the rabble crying over Qhira.

End pessimism.

Thank you for posting such a beautiful picture of Grom. :heart:

Real Hellscream fyeah! That would be the best Blizzcon for me if they release him.



she will reveal the truth of the nexus.

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They really need a great blizzcon after the last year’s disappointment. Announcing there will be more resources allocated for HotS is a great way to do so. Unlikely, but great.

Weren’t there plans to reinvigorate Diablo 3 all of a sudden with more than just new copypaste seasons? I believe I read on Diablofans there are plans to bring new items and get a rebalancing pass. Doesn’t it mean it’s not impossible to have more attention for HotS? The game’s still not dead despite all Blizzard’s efforts.

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I think we might get a double hero release. I think things are starting to settle down with the dev team finally, so we’ll get a look at the new content release schedule going forward along with some upcoming features. I think you’re right and we’ll see the new ARAM mode with some changes.

I’m not sure if we’ll get a mini event between Blizzcon and Xmas time. I could see them dropping a skin package in that time but not sure about a mini event. We might get significant hero reworks for D.Va and Tassadar along with big changes for Whitemane. I’m excited but for now I’m going to focus on the upcoming Halloween event! There’s a lot of skins I want to get and I expect some really cool new stuff too.

so hyped for starcraft immortal